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Blackburn Women (and Men) Warm-Up 1/18


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Alex Landrum and I are going to try to get out on Sunday, Jan. 18. If you This will be an easy paddle to get us started. I know it conflicts with Brian Nystrom's fabulous outfitting workshop and that it falls in the middle of MLK, Jr. weekend, when a lot of people will be skiing. If you can't make this one - there will be more.

Bad weather cancels. Details to those on the list from the prior posting. Those people are:

Leslie Beale

Ken Cooper

Leon Granowitz

Helen Greitzer

Bill Gwynn

Dee Hall

Alex Landrum

Liz Neumeier

Sean Noonan

Suzanne Pritchett

Paula Riegel

Anne Reynolds

Lisa Santullo

Linda Shelburne

If you want to be added, post here or send me an email: eneumeier@earthlink.net.

Liz N.

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>Where were you headed for the training,


That will depend, in part, on where the ice flows give us access to still liquid water. It is truely amazing how quickly the shore ice has built up this week. Ducks and swans are seriously running out of any place to float.

Liz N.

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I haven’t looked behind the Gloucester High School to check the ice, but I would suggest that next weeks paddle outing on that first piece of the Blackburn, go up to Lane's and back.

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>I haven’t looked behind the Gloucester High School to check

>the ice, but I would suggest that next weeks paddle outing

>on that first piece of the Blackburn, go up to Lane's and


The plan was to go to the end of the river, farther depending on conditions and how people felt.

Mother nature has decided that sledges are needed for that route. The Annisquam is solid its entire length, and thickening.

It looks like the on-water training plans will be delayed a bit. Getting access to sheltered water still in liquid form questionable. Anyone know of a location?

On to the pool ...., and spinning class...., and nordic track. And slopes for some downhill.

Liz N.

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There should be open water on the Mystic river just below the lower lake and at least downriver to the Marina. A round trip would be between 1-1.5 hours, and paddlers could work on technique and wake riding in protected waters. Pam

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