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Still Crazy After All These years


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Perhaps it is being stupid, but I prefer the label crazy.

After a few test paddles on the local lakes, I had been itching to do a sea trial with the replica SOF I acquired. Today seemed a good day to skip work, stay cool on the ocean, and paddle a kayak. So off we went solo from Odiorne to Rye Harbor and back in rather benign conditions. Nary another kayak to be seen and only a handful of boats within a mile. Turned out to be a great day for trying to get a handle on a boat that demands your attention and input with only a modicum of "This is not good" moments.

Realizing you are alone on the ocean with something made from a handful of sticks and some nylon cloth does focus the mind. Especially when it is not easy to get out of, or into for that matter, and gives new meaning to the word "twitchy" when in confused water around ledge breaks. Still, it is addictive. The quietness of paddling a SOF is pleasant, and the flex when punching waves along with the overall feeling of liveliness makes for very different paddling experience. To say nothing of the ease of putting a 20# boat on the car at the end of the day.

The Dark Side is indeed seductive, but I have the Force.

Ed Lawson

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Glad you had such fun, Ed: after work I also took to the water and conditions were "oily" calm inside Gloucester harbour; but around Norman's Woe, things were very lively, I assure you! There was a southerly swell coming in, making for great confused water. It was quite invigorating!

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> There was a southerly swell coming in, making

>for great confused water. It was quite invigorating!

Indeed. I smartly moved out from one ledge thinking the set had passed only to see a growing wall developing a lighter green color as it hustled toward me. Obviously had not "smartly" moved out after all.

Ed Lawson

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