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Ravenspring Drysuit Update

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Last spring, I noticed a small section of my drysuit was separating, or delaminating. I sent an e-mail to Ravenspring and they responded that it was a minor problem and suggested I use a sealer they would provide to make a repair. They offered to look at the suit but I wanted to keep using it until the weather warmed.

They sent the patch material; I didn’t use it I for whatever reason. This fall, I noticed a few white spots that looked like a separation. I used the suit a few times and, after a strenuous paddle, lay in the ocean to cool off. I started feeling water in the crotch of the suit. I took it off at the end of the day and sure enough it leaked.

I sent another e-mail to Ravenspring. They suggested I return the suit for inspection. A few days later came an e-mail from them stating sure enough the suit was delaminating. They informed me they were already building me a replacement suit and were sending the defective suit to the fabric manufacturer and the laminator for inspection. They sent the new suit to me before Christmas. Fast service. By the way the suit is three years old.

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