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Full Corn Moon/ Pavillion Beach


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It was a cold and stormy night,,,,,kidding,,,, it was a beautiful, warm night,, we launched kayaks from Pavillion beach in the lowest of tides,,(Small hike from car to water) around 5:15,, paddled in front of Cranes. It was so flat, and peaceful. Spotted a few folks on the beach and a few hearty swimmers. A large sandbar extended out from the beach, paddled around that to the mouth of the Essex. At that point we turned around and enjoyed some following waves, and a gorgeous sunset. As we paddled behind Plum Island, the moon emerged,, a giant fireball,, time: 7:14,, it rose quickly from the horizon,, hung in the sky for about 20 minutes,, then cloud cover hampered our view. We were off the water about 7:45,,and as we were tying down our kayaks a decent anount of fog rolled in and the moon disappeared completely. Spider and I departed, happy to have witnessed rise of the full Corn Moon.

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Yes, it was a excellent "picture perfect" kind of day.

Some days just keep getting better, with every thing falling into place ever so nicely.

It was especially nice to see all those sandy beaches....they really are such a fine treasure.

I could hardly envision a more lovely setting ...and such a dramtic moonrise !

Quite a beautiful time and gracious company as well.

Much appreciated...spdr

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