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My first roll!


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Ok, not exactly a trip report but so what. Here goes! My first roll can only be compared to the first time I had sex. In both cases it was wonderful, in both cases I didn't exactly know what I was doing, in both cases I was sure I wanted to do it again. A little bit of history. I'm 67 years old/young. I started paddling four seasons ago and have been trying to learn to roll for three seasons. I've had lessons with no success and read just about every thing on the subject. I've fantasized about rolling, thought up incredible methods to help learn but never had any luck until today. First it was the non existent hip snap, then it was not keeping your head down and finally I couldn't stop my paddle from diving almost immediately after starting the sweep.

Today I did it and just like that first sexual experience, didn't really know what I did other than I liked it and did it six more times. Once I forgot to clip my nose and got water up my sinuses which was enough to cause me to blow the roll. Walter Mears said to me last week "Analytic people will never roll." He may be right, after four years attempting to think a roll and failure, I can do it now, just please don't ask me how.


Chatham 16/17

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Hi Jeff.

I think the point of the message is that I can't tell you how. I'm a very analytic person trained in the sciences and think everything through carefully before acting. My lessons were a disaster because I wouldn't just listen to the instructor and follow directions, I had to understand it first. That was obviously a mistake. It was like trying to ride a bike for the first time by first trying to understand the physics involved.

When I rolled the first time my paddling buddy said "that wasn't a roll you probably pushed off the bottom with the paddle". (We were in relatively shallow water in Walden Pond). So I moved into deeper water and repeated the roll. Still not satisfied I had to move to even deeper water to remove all doubts. What troubled Leon was that he didn't see my paddle on the surface during the sweep. It was obviously not the classic sweep that most instructors teach. Who cares, it worked for me and seemed as easy as pie. No strong arming it, no violent hip snapping. Obviously if the paddle is at a good angle, a sweep under the surface which climbs can generate a considerable amount of lift nonetheless.

My advise in retrospect is to get a good instructor and follow directions. In my case I was successful only because it worked, not because it was correct form. Good luck


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Congratulations----now remember to practice it frequently---you will be suprised how quikly your muscles and reflexes can forget---as far as it being as good as sex---well people like us, over 50, might have that opinion.

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>My advise in retrospect is to get a good instructor and

>follow directions. In my case I was successful only because

>it worked, not because it was correct form. Good luck

Like pitching advice from Crash Davis ("Don't think, just throw - thinking can only hurt the team.")

Don't think, just roll.

The first roll is a thrill!

Liz N.

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Glad to see you have experienced your first of many rolls.

Looking forward to paddling with you some more.

Keep developing that "Just do it.", attitude. It will

take you places you have never been before.



Impex Assateague

Emerld Green/White

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Congratulations!! There is this very frustrating "just about there...but only if...." time (usually coinciding with the advice about lifting the head too early).

(I also like the Crash Davis' line "Don't think, it can only hurt the team" - this is my mantra).


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