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Salem Harbor / Willows stroll

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Put in at 9:30am at Forest River Park in Salem (resident parking only) and followed the coast of Marblehead out past Fort Miller, at which point I crossed over to the Willows for a little sightseeing. After recommending Alex's shop to couple on shore who asked about my kayak, I turned around and followed the coast of Salem back to the lighthouse on Derby Wharf and then back to the take out point at Forest River. Only on the water for about an hour and a quarter but well worth it. I did n't have much time today and it was too beautiful a day to pass up. I've also tried David's Google pedometer link to map it:

URL for this route is: http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=202201

Not as accurate as GPS but kind of neat nonetheless.

Overall, just a quiet, meditative experience, with a view geese, swans and cormorants along for the ride.

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Hmmm... I have been parking trucks, cars, and motorbikes in Forest River Park my whole life yet i never lived in salem.

Never ever have i gotten a parking ticket or seen any signs that said i had to live in salem to park there.

I do one ways using my scooter/truck/kayak from Kings Beach to that location fairly often.

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I for one have never been very fond of the way the city of Salem Massachusetts celebrates and actually seems proud of the atrocities committed against a handfull of Innocent people centuries ago.

In what was then known as Salem village, now known as Danvers.

Yes that's right, Danvers is the REAL "Witch City", although some of the events took place in what is today Salem, most of the hysteria took place in Danvers.

The city of Salem thinks so highly of this nasty bit of history it has seen fit to erect a statue of Bewitched Samantha Stevens in the center of town, not to mention all the other money making halloween theme park like crap there is in town.

IMHO WAY beyond tacky, downright distasteful.

So now it seems that the wonderfull city of Salem MA.

has seen fit to not allow people who do not live in town to get anywhere near Forest River Park.

There are some big bright spanking new signs that went up in the last month or so informing the people of the northshore to that effect.

They are actually even charging residents who pay property taxes in town to park there!! GREEDY BASTARDS.

The location of Forest River Park is really the most important place in town, from a historical standpoint.

This is where some of the very first settlers of the north shore lived, way back in the early 1600's and it should be the real tourist attraction.

Now you can't even get near it, even though some of the old ghost town is still there, behind a fence, no one seems to care.

Ain't revisionist history wonderfull!!

I will never ever again spend a thin dime in that tacky Greedy town.

To bad really... I always liked the Willows in summer.

I'm also gonna miss my one ways to FRP

Just one more reason for me to move to a new location,

somewhere besides Taxachusetts, Seems to be the popular trend nowadays...

The whole darn state is going to hell in a handbasket.

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"Just one more reason for me to move to a new location,

somewhere besides Taxachusetts, Seems to be the popular trend nowadays..."

Naw Brad, my grandfather moved from Lynn to NewHampshire in 1961; it's not a new fad. Besides, NH has hardly any coastline!


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>Naw Brad, my grandfather moved from Lynn to NewHampshire in

>1961; it's not a new fad. Besides, NH has hardly any


S'ok... you can still use "our" coastline, even if you emigrate to NH. Well, most of it.


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Well by the way taxes are rising up here Maine should be the new "Taxachusettes"----Wasn't it Oliver Wendel Holmes, a famous Mass jurist who said taxes are the price we pay for civilization? Oh Well.

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People really should consider what their taxes pay for before they pass judgement. Imagine a world with complete privitization and private ownership of every resource. It wouldn't be a fun place. That being said, the state can definitely be less wasteful with our tax dollars. :)

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Somehow it just seems wrong that our taxes keep going up while at the same time we are losing the freedom to use parks and visit many other location's with out paying fee's that i for one simply can't afford.

Also the population has exploded here in the past few decades, although it's declining now.

All the more tax dollars for cities and towns yet the quality of the public services and roads keep getting worse.

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Unfortunately taxes are not the only expenses that are to be considered in any given place.

There are many other fee's for every day things like parking for example is a dollar an hour for on street parking in many places.

Much higher if you need to use a parking lot.

Auto insurance is high here, also the cost of real estate and or rent, Food Energy ect. all very high in Mass. It seems every time i turn around i have to pay some kind of toll or fee!

Anyone who has ever had a near minimum wadge job knows how economically hostile the Boston area can seem.

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Sorry Brad, for being so cavalier. I was just reacting just to the old Taxachusetts bit. (Carl, can you send me a link for those 2006 statistics?)

You are totally correct about how out of sync the overall cost of living in this area is with wages. I won't be paddling as much this year because I am working on a certain campaign for someone with lots of ideas for fixing that problem, but this is the wrong place to go into all of that.

I still hope to do the Blackburn, but given that I have not even gotten on the water yet, ...

Liz N.

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