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Kayaking in Maine


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I met up with Roger T. this past Friday morning for a paddle out of Orr's Island, Maine. We met at Roger's house and then onto to our launch site which was on the south east side of Orr's Island. Due to some decent winds we decided to stay closer to shore so after our launch we headed west for a clockwise circumnavigation. We took a short break on Wyre Island but the wind and cold soon encouraged us back to our kayaks for some aerobic warmth. About three quarters of the way around Orr's Island we detoured east to a well protected harbor at the end of point. Then it was a slog into the wind back to the launch site. The estimated milage was around 11 miles.

Luckily Roger was willing to venture out for a second day of paddling. We met on Saturday morning and drove to our launch site Mackeral Cove on Bailey Island. This was a great launch site parking spaces to grass to a beach. There was plenty of activity in the harbor all commercial fish/loberstermen. Today was much better for ocean kayaking a minimal 5 knot breeze with no waves except the occasional tide induced rip line. So with Roger as my tour guide we headed in between Haskell Island and Little Mark Island. From there we went east of Eagle Island and through some rock outcroppings. As expected in Maine we came across 6 seals who had come over to investigate. After a brief period of watching and chatting with the seals we headed off to Jewell Island. We landed on the north east end of the island. A great beach with no one else occupying the island. We decided to try and walk around the north tip of the island. This was a mistake as we had to walk on slate rock, slippery seaweed or impassable bushes. So we soon turned around and headed back to our launch site for some water and a quick snack. Then it was back into the kayaks heading north towards the west side of Eagle Island, from there we went around the north side of Haskell Island (near a gazibo). Then we crossed the channel back to Mackeral Cove without crossing paths with any other boats. Estimated milage was 13 miles. A perfect day on the Maine coast.

Thanks to Roger for providing the meeting place, launch sites and local knowledge.


NDK Explorer

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