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BosHar S+G 11/22


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The forecast for tomorrow looks good: windy, warm. Let's go out and crash around. If others promise to show up, I will, too.

Show and Go, outer Boston Harbor, Saturday, November 22. Put-in at 9:00 am City Point, South Boston. We'll head up the main channel to land on either Outer Brewster or Green Island, two of the outer harbor's more remote islands. High bluff on Brewster, views all the way to Gloucester. On Green, the remnants of a burned-down casino and a large wreck.

If the winds are over 15, we'll kick around in the chop sure to build.

Recommended are drysuits, hot food, warm clothes in a dry bag, spare paddle, tow-belt, and level 3+ skills in addition to a neoporene hood and gloves.

Post interest here. Count on being back at the put-in by 4:00 pm.

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