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Day after T-Day paddle


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Join the usual gang of knuckleheads at Cocktail Cove on Great Misery Island the day after Thanksgiving (Friday) at 11:00 for the 327th annual Bob Burnett "I ain't dead yet, I'm only living out West" Memorial Day-After Thanksgiving Paddle. Last year we had a few challenging rescues, charcoal briquets (not the least bit legal), high winds, raw weather, and good leftovers, the year before a rescue that probably saved two paddlers' lives.

Traditionally this has been a non-waivers show-and-go with groups leaving from Manchester Harbor, Riverhead Beach in Marblehead, and sometimes Greasy Pole, Gloucester.

I'll be at the Manchester Police Station put-in at 10:00 am.

DRYSUITS ABSOLUTELY RECCOMMENDED, YOU'D BE NUTS TO PADDLE WITHOUT ONE this time of year. Also, northwsterlies can blow like stink this time of year, so conditions could range from low level three to all-out double red-flag gale forces (check any coast guard flagpole for corresponding signal-flags posted).

Bring leftovers to share and watch for subsequent postings from other paddlers planning to leave for Misery from more challenging distances. I'll be taking the baby route as usual this year (at least distance-wise), but keep in mind that even the short route from Manchester to Misery can present its own version of hell when the weather blows in....

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Rick says, "I (or perhaps others) must work on this day, I long to go paddling with the participants, but cannot." Mike, with a sense of wonder words cannot express, ponders what Rick is saying, or perhaps advises him to be absent from work on that day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am writing to see if there is interest to get a group together that can put in at Riverhead beach in Marblehead. Please post or mail me if you are up for it. Would like to have at least 4.

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Although Marblehead is my preferred launch point to Misery, it's only about a 50/50 possibility that I'll be able to paddle on Friday.

Keep me posted on your plans (departure time).

My Email address is: brucemedi@aol.com

Hope to see you on Friday.

Richard N

Living to learn.

Romany White, Blue trim

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Just checked the forcast and it is going to be very windy. 25-30 kts out of the south. I might have to pass up on Marblehead unless the wind dies down. It would be a real slog back through the Salem sound area.

Gloucester might be a better put in. Free ride back, following seas, wind waves. Level 4 PLUS.

Might sit this one out,


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surely we remember that ad campaign? and you send your questions in to some dang place in pueblo, colorado?

i will try to rein my postings in to monosyllabic offerings going forward. grunts and the like. some gestures.

have a good thanksgiving folks! thank the paddle gods for getting through (mostly) another season and coming up at least as many times as going down the the wrong side of a roll.

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Maybe I'll go the SHORT baby route. The one from Tuck's Point.

Should be somewhat sheltered if the wind goes westerly as predicted.

Still 20-25 kts should make it interesting. Watching, waiting........


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I am bailing on the trip on friday. There is no known interest of folks leaving from Riverhead or Gloucester. Manchester is to short of a paddle to justify a trip down.


Till next time,

Paul S.

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The contractor is coming to install windows

in our house this morning. After wrestling

with the idea of not being here, I decided

I had better miss the paddle to Misery.

Be careful and enjoy!


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