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Jewell Island camping, Casco Bay, May 11-13


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I will be posting a 'trip' soon that may interest you as well. Last summer my wife and I camped and paddled around Mount Desert Island for a week and we invited people from Montreal and from NSPN to paddle with us. The only NSPN participant was Mary Bennet, and I think she enjoyed the trips.

We will be there once again this summer (last two weeks of july) and we will once more send out an open invitation to whoever wishes to come and paddle with us. The caliber of the paddlers will determine the trips, but regardless of the skills of the paddlers or the weather there are always nice places to paddle around the island. More information to follow as plans take shape...


Once more upon the waters! yet once more!

And the waves bound beneath me as a steed

That knows his rider.

Lord Byron

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Hi Heidi----My impression from Ed's comments was not that he was expecting someone else to be responsible for your safety---simply a realistic assesment of what your SNGs require----after all the trip out to Jewells, although a little long (15 miles or so round trip) half that one way, is not a marathon or especially arduous---My experience of the trip is that the most difficult part was dodging all the commercial marine traffic going in and out of Portland Harbor(I paddled out from East End Beach in Portland a couple of years ago--a little longer than from Falmouth but far easier parking) If you keep an eye on the weather forcast and don't proceed out for a two day camping trip unless you are comfortable with the marine forecast and you are with experienced paddlers who can assist if something does go wrong(after all that's what traveling in a group is all about)than you should be fine. Don't be too pyched out about Level 1 etc---a first or second level trip could turn into a 3 or 4 given enough wind, rain, and fog. And a level 3 could be no harder than a level 2 given calm and clear conditions. If you want to go to Jewell later in the summer, a farmer Jane is probably all you will need--Many people wear them at the end of May in Maine waters(although a drysuit is more comfortable and warmer and no doubt safer) Certainly by July and August a wetsuit(maybe with a paddle jacket) would be sufficient.If you would like to try some overnight camping involviing less distance, try the Stonington Area---there are approximatly 50 islands in a five square mile area---many of them are publicly owned and anybody can camp on them for free---others are on the Maine Island Trail and are available for its members, again for only the cost 45 dollars of joining MITA---just remember to crap wrap every thing out. If you would like a freshwater wilderness experience with the challenges of sea paddling, try Moosehead Lake---over 35 free public campsites, with outhouses and fire pit. Let me know how things go with the trips you decide to take.

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