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Lendal Paddle Demo - Your response requested


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Earlier in the year I was trying to plan a paddle demo day but logistics got in the way. Trying again...

How early in the a.m. could it be done so that it could be followed by paddling? Would 8 -10 a.m. be too early?

Saturday or Sunday?

Thinking of doing this in Marblehead Harbor one of the first weeks in August.

Any input?



PS - The Lendal rep said that they would even have a "door" prize.

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Pick a Saturday morning when the tide is IN at Marblehead so people don't have to walk back and forth through the muck. Demo early, then do a trip. Perhaps we could do 3 levels again like we did yesterday, followed by a cookout - with stuff to grill this time. Salads are great but personally I thought yesterday's pot luck fell a bit short of NSPN's standards. :-))

Liz N.

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The August tides aren't conducive to launching on high.

Another idea would be to do the paddle demo at the end of the day - say 3 p.m. and combine it with a pot luck afterwards. That would allow people to paddle elsewhere and from Marblehead and then arrive for the paddle demo and cook out afterwards. Maybe done this way, we would get more participation.

What do you think of that idea?


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Weekend mid-morning high tides are special days, since there are quite a few paddles which are much better in that part of the cycle. So why not pick a place for the demo where the tide does not matter, and do it when high is at 6:30 or something outside paddling hours.

Also, will the Marblehead PTB tolerate a large commercial event on what is, technically speaking, a town landing with a launch fee (at least that's what the sign says).

How about a lake?


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Any suggestions other than M-head that are protected and have a good place for a picnic afterward?

How would doing a paddle demo differ from running a paid class with Derek Hutchinson? Sure the numbers may be bigger but we have large groups go out of M-head such as the Solstice paddle...

FYI, at the paddle demo, NOTHING can be purchased. The rep would show us the paddles, talk about them, show us the new innovations (really cool variable length, variable feather, shaft with lots of different blades)andlet us try out the paddles in different lengths.

For purchasing, you can buy/order through the following places:

Country Canoeist

Kittery Trading Post (they only stock Kinetic - rest would need ordering)

Maine Island Kayak


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I apologize, I didn't realize the Charles River Canoe and Kayak also sold the Lendals. I knew they sold Werner...

You can certainly demo them other places but not with the chance at a door prize:) Besides, Nick Dyslin, (Lendal, Kokatat and Chota rep)is a nice guy and will tell us all about the latest innovations that will be available.


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hey Suz- you may want to check into that permit issue a bit more as I have run into problems with the town of Marblehead at previous paddling events. I have run a number of no fee, no sales demo days for one of the local yacht clubs which they (the yacht club) had to get a permit for. I think Marblehead is a bit sensitive about large #'s of paddlers congregating because of the rental operations in the area.

Worth looking into, seems like you need a permit for almost everything these days...


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Still working on this and based on the response at the general meeting,I am trying to get in touch with the Werner rep to see if they would like to join us. Any other suggestions?

Note that contrary to what "." posted earlier in this thread, Charles River Canoe and Kayak do not carry Lendal paddles. I called to verify as they were not listed on their website.

Moral of the story, don't believe everything you read, especially if people won't sign their names.


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