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Beverly Pool Sessions Update

bob budd

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If you can't make the session please call me before making arraingements otherwise. Bven by Saturday morning, when its difficult to be sure you can get through to those on the waiting list, since they have "put their name down" they should get first dibs.

Spotters still need to provide emergency contact information.

21 April - 6 participants, no spotters

12 May - no longer an open session, look for the boat anchor

26 May - 3 participants, no spotters

We have few spotters - especially the later months. Help your fellow paddlers, you'll feel better in the morning. Wait lists for full sessions are being kept.

Some full and nearly full sessions may have attendees who have signed up but not paid. If your check arrives after a reasonable time has been allowed for one of those slots you would take their place.

I try to send a message when I receive your check. If you have sent a check and not received a message let me know. If you have not sent a check please do so, I am inclined to surrender such positions to paying participants.

Another reminder. "I'd like to be in a pool session" must be accompanied by the info for signing up for an official trip or as included in the calendar posting.

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