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Outfitter recommendations?


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I'm tentatively planning a vacation for May or June. One idea I had was to spend a week or so paddling in Baja or British Columbia. I was wondering if anyone can recommend outfitters who offer challenging trips that are geared towards experienced outdoorspeople. It doesn't have to be in those areas - suggestions for other good paddling destinations are also welcome.

I've done hiking trips with outfitters in the past, and while I had a good time, those outfitters obviously have an interest in making the trips accessible to as many customers as possible. I think I might enjoy myself more if I were on a trip that required more experience. So, if anyone has suggestions for outfitters or destinations, it would be a big help.


Kevin Fredette

Red Current Designs Sirocco

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for Baja:

Aqua Adventures in San diego


Many options for B.C.

Try Tofino Kayak Co. (google: sea kayak British Columbia, or sea kayak Tofino.)

or Body Boat & Blade in the San Juan Islands, Wash. State , www.bodyboatblade.com

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Thanks Peter. The 5 Day Kayak Camp at Body Boat & Blade sounds promising. The website is a little skimpy on what they provide - i.e., do travelers do their own cooking, carry their own gear vs. skiff support, etc. Have you traveled with them or heard anything about them? I may just call at lunch today...


>or Body Boat & Blade in the San Juan Islands, Wash. State ,


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BBB is well respected. I have a friend that has done a few trips with them. Their trips are NOT skiff supported but all is carried in the kayaks, food and water. A call to Shawna and Leon will let you know if the cost of food is included in the trip cost.


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I have not traveled with Body Boat & Blade , may do so this summer when I will be out on the west coast for two weeks. I know a fair number of people who know them and reports are uniformly positive. Talking on the phone would surely answer your questions.

A benefit to going with an outfit like BB&B is that while you are out paddling, exploring, eating, you can get great instruction along the way. I have always wanted to have some sort of combined expedition & instructional experience. Instructional workshops/classes by nature have some atmosphere of formality , but instruction threaded into an adventure would have a quality of its own.


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