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Monomoy Passage Closed


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>I can't say that I'm surprised. If anything it'll help the

>gray seal colony there, because the boat traffic will go

>down to nothing.

Yeah... I was thinking that the seals actually arranged for this, especially given that they've moved out to the tip of South Island (South What?)

>I'm pretty sure it would be an easy portage for anyone

>wanting to "circumnavigate" the Monomoys.

The Monomoy Whats? Sound like it's now South Monomoy Peninsula!


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I've used Google Earth to pinpoint and describe the three or four ways to cross from Monomoy's western flats and shallows over to the Southway between the two Monomoys and South Beach.

I'll put the jpg up and host it on a link.

Meanwhile, if you want the 4gb Google KMZ file I created(the KMZ reader is free, so is the file), I can email it.

The numerous ghost stories and myths about Monomoy notwithstanding, you can always pass between the two Monomoys, no matter how low the tide.

I can't find a way yet to save the entire interactive image, which is the most valuable, as the pushpins open up to extensive navigation notes.

Anybody know how to save Google Earth KMZ files to a hardrive? I can't find a simple layman's terms answer anywhere through Google Earth or online.

Meanwhile, here's a new image link to the KMZ file I'm creating for Monomoy:

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I'd love to see what it looks like now.

Considering that the Southway is now closed, it seems like only a matter of time until the entire area fills in and becomes one big island. Judging by the size and position of the sand flats in the photo, it seems likely that a land bridge connecting the north and south islands will form on the west edge of the Southway. That is, unless the tidal flow is enough to scour out the eastern side of the passage between the islands. Even at that, the western sand flats are growing and may choke off the passage from that end. It will be interesting to see what changes this winter's storms will bring.

I wonder what they'll call it when it becomes one large land mass?

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The southern part of the island appears dark in photos. Is it rocky or is that just vegetation? I'm just trying to figure out if any part of the area would actually be permanent.

EDIT: Never mind. Looking at it on Google Earth, it appears that the dark areas are bodies of water on the island, surrounded by brown grass. It appears to be mostly marsh.

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It's all sand (and the water pockets).

What's surprising to me is Butler Hole, which is an area that has a run from about 120 ft. to beach level in a very short distance. The waves dump there pretty heavily and I've never understood how this feature remains and doesn't get washed out over time.

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...near the western shore of North Monomoy. It was weirdly interesting, as it was a deep, bottomless-appearing, blue hole ~30' in diameter in the middle of a sand flat. It's gone now, but it can be seen quite distinctly on older aerial photos. I've never found an explanation for how or why it formed...or disappeared, for that matter.

It was just one more thing that adds to the mysterious nature of the Monomoy area.

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