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Paddle the West Coast with Andrea 5/2/20, 2pm (Rescheduled to 5/9/20 @ 4pm!)

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NSPN is excited to host Andrea Knepper of Chicago Adventure Therapy for a Zoom presentation and Q+A 

In the summer of 2019 Andrea took a sabbatical from her role as executive director of CAT to paddle the west coast from Canada to Mexico. She will share experiences and photos from her trip with us and take questions and answers.  It should be an exciting "virtual paddle" with her and we hope many of you will join us.

This is open to all members and a link to the Zoom meeting can be found on the NSPN Business forum. If you have questions PM me and I can also set you up individually. 

For more info about the amazing Chicago Adventure Therapy check out their website ahead of time http://2011.chicagoadventuretherapy.org/

For more details about Andrea's adventure check out her Facebook log at https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Sports---Recreation/Dres-West-Coast-Adventure-1944272392361643/


(Photo credit: Jen Kleck) 

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing, ocean, outdoor and water

  • 2 weeks later...

Bumping for a reminder about Andrea’s presentation tomorrow - link in the club business forum (log on to view). Hope to see many of y’all “there”!

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