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So how was the surf class?


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On Saturday the beginner class moved north from Nahant to Kings Beach near the wall in Swampscott. When I showed up at 2:30, the group was coming off the water for a short break. Everyone had smiles on their faces and seemed to be having a blast.

I left the beach at 4:45 and Dave and Karen were still pushing Nigel for more!

Thanks so much for loaning your boat for the weekend. I saw that Nigel taught it a few tricks while he was using it!


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Bill's boat was lonesome while it was sitting on the beach and because my hair was already wet from the rain, I couldn't resist just giving his Avocet a try. It was a bit awkward as he doesn't have foot pegs and he is a wee bit taller... I did have to steal someone's pfd and helmet but I got a few runs in!


PS - you should still feel sorry for me though. I am up to my ears in boxes getting ready to move - never a fun job!

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And, your Legend is safely back in your garage. We dropped it off on the way back to Gloucester after the advanced "surf" - turned into a "directional control in the wind on a pond" class. The gale force winds flattened the sea so there was no surf on Sunday, alas.

Liz N.

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The waves at Walden were nearly large enough to surf on Sunday. I'll bet one of the larger area lakes might have been doable.

The wind made a couple of rolls that I've been having trouble with much easier to hit. That let me work out some refinements and try new things. Now I need a quiet day to see if they'll still work.

Ralph Cohn

Elaho DS, blue & white with yellow trim

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