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Odiorne, Sunday August 20


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Join Jonathan, Kelsey and me for a fun day of rock play and skills practice at Odiorne.  We hope conditions at Wallis Sands will allow for some surf interaction.  Not necessarily going very far (ie likely will not make it to Rye Harbor for lobster rolls, but could always get 'em at a PPPO afterward).  If you're planning to get wet - and that's part of purpose of day - dry suits may be the most comfortable option.

Launch at 9:30 following a 9:15 beach briefing.

High tide 10:30, Low tide 4:20.  Long range weather forecast looking positive.

Please post interest here and send me float plan info via PM.  No need to send float plan info if youve paddled with me this year.


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28 minutes ago, Phil Allen said:

Hey Pru, would love to join you if I'm not busy packing up for vacation.  



Get packing, Phil!  It,s been too long since I've seen you on the water.  Saturday: pack.  Sunday: paddle.  Monday: vacate.  Piece o' cake!


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