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Snapdragon skirt repair?


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Has anyone have any experience or information about repair of a Snapdragon skirt? I know that Immersion Research do repair their skirts, similar to how Kokatat repair their dry suits. I can't find information on Snapdragon's site. I acquired a second hand skirt, however upon closer inspection and a "test drive" I realized that it is beyond usable condition. There are rips in the nylon tunnel, and the soft part of the velcro is completely worn out, impossible to give you a tight fit. 


Edited by Nick1979
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Sorry I can't help with information about repair of a Snap Dragon skirt, but if this is of any help, in my experience, spray skirts do not age well.  Old neoprene can start to leak, and old nylon and rubber can get crunchy and brittle, which makes it difficult to sew without further ripping.  So you may be better off looking into replacement rather than repair.  

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sounds like the sprayskirt has just had wear and tear , unlikely they would do any kind of warranty repair for that. But in my experience, it never hurts to inquire: Ive gotten free replacements a few times  when they weren't  technically warranted,  just by asking. I had a Seals spray skirt repaired or replaced forth holes that I later realized were not a . they dat have to So Snapdragon may or may not have similar customer service. It seems that in general suppliers  are being very about rpeacmnts and repairs these days, I imagine because its a competitive market.  and customer service is a pressing need.  

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Thank you for the advice. You are right, big time wear and tear. I will give a try contacting Snap Dragon customer service. If nothing comes out of it, the garbage bin is always near by :)

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If you do decide to repair and don't want to do by hand, go to a cobbler rather than a tailor.  They have good strong sewing machines to make repairs.  I would suggest bringing the replacement material yourself as they might not source as non-absorbent material as you would like...


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