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Squam Lake Day Paddle on Saturday October 1st

Dave M.

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In place of Pru's cancelled Odiorne trip, I am proposing a paddle around Squam Lake on Saturday. If interested, you can respond to this post. We will launch from Squam Lake Assoc. on Rt 3 Holderness. BIB. will be 10:00 am. Route will be determined at the launch, with the potential of meeting up with the NSPN campers already there. Weather: cloudy, NW winds 10kts with chance of rain in afternoon.


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Don't know if you noticed the guy in bright green motercycle rainwear and helmet walking around Walter's Basin, but that was me trying to stop in to say hi. I work at the Harley shop in Meredith and Walter's is on my route home.

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