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John Huth Workshop on Weather, Wind and Waves: Saturday February 13th


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Weather and Waves Workshop Rescheduled 

Saturday, February 13th   now Saturday  March 5 (pending confirmation) 

Meeting Room REI , Reading, MA, 

1PM to 5PM 


John is no longer available on February 13, We will try to reschedule on Saturday March 5, and will post when confirmed. 

John Huth once again has volunteered his time to present a workshop for NSPN  on Weather Wind and Waves  and how these apply  to sea kayaking. John's past presentations have been favorites of club members. John has a unique set of qualifications  to present on this subject as he is both a physics professor/ lecturer and experienced  sea kayaker. Johns  experiences as a sea kayaker in turn have stimulated him to focus some of  his academic research   on kayak related aspects of the physical world, and he  recently published a book on primitive  navigation. "The Lost Art of Finding Our Way"      
This is a  workshop  you won't want to miss.

Johns past courses have broadly  covered  issues of weather and waves: the approach of warm and cold fronts, how to read cloud formations, wind. , consider  the air circulation around high and low pressure systems, and how to evaluate weather signs. The course will last approximately 2 and a half hours, with ample time for questions and breaks as needed."

Members have come away  from past workshops with a heightened understanding and appreciation  of the physical forces that affect us while on the water:  this session  will help the sea kayaker evaluate and respond to rapidly changing local conditions through observations and decision making.

The session will last from 1PM to 4 or 5PM and were all be ample opportunity for snacks, questions and participation. 

Please RSVP in the calendar posting for this session: REI has  not-unlimited space and past workshops have been very well attended.  

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Sorry Sorry Sorry, my mistake. 

Event is February 13, not March 13 . I corrected the posting. 
TO RSVP, go to the calendar,  o to February on tecalendar , find the  event in February, click on it: on the left side is  a RSVP section : "I'm Going": you can RSVP there. 

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Hi, Sounds great, it might be good to edit the text on the posting, even though it is on the correct calendar date it still SAYS March13, and that is what is showing on the upcoming events listing. Still a bit confusing, I signed up and it looked like I was signed up for March 13.  Thanks for organizing this!

Edited by BethS
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