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Odiorne sat 11/7

Paul Sylvester

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Running late so I left Odiorne well after 10 am solo. Almost had the wooden boat blow over on the shore but it stopped against a rock. Knew this was going to be a work out. The west wind built up a decent fetch inside of Little Harbor. Little surfing downwind.

Out through the breakwater and counter clockwise around New Castle. Followed the shore close to stay in the lee and came right up under the CG station. I figured they were watching me from the tower :coco:

After rounding the point at the CG station I was facing the full brunt of the wind head on. The tide was ebbing with a good flow so I knew I would be riding the eddies like I have many times before.

It was quite the crawl but I was moving at 1-2 knots through most of it. There were very few people around, just a few runners and workers on shore. Coming out of the eddies and facing the wind pulling a new boat around I certainly did not want to be embarrassed by getting twisted off course.

At the Portsmouth Café in New Castle it was extreme and I had to pull under their dock and take a drink and short rest.

Moving up by the green buoy off the old prison the ebb current comes around the bend very strong with no escape from the wind. Once I made it up under the Pierce Island lee it was an easy decision to continue up around Pierce Island. Short break at Pierce and then back to Odiorne.

Couple thoughts:

Glad I did not have the wing paddle as I am not that good with draws, bow rudders and other maneuvering strokes with the wing.

Checked the wind data for yesterday and from 11-12 when I came up the river the gusts reached 25-30 knots with Portsmouth showing 32 knots at one point.

Yes I would do it again!

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