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Full Moon!


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I'll be looking to paddle by full moon, either tonight, or Saturday(Saturday is full moon, the day before more or less as good) or both .
Tonight I'd like to paddle in Boston Harbor or possibly the north shore on the way towards home after leaving work. Saturday I think preferred put ins would be either Pavilion Beach/Ipswich or Portsmouth area: Odiorne or Goat Island on the Piscataqua.

If you are interested post here or PM or text/ call me (617-877-5824)

Sorry for late notice: I was too busy this week at work and home to know in advance when I'd be free to paddle.

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Hi Lesli,

I was waiting to see if anything came up on this. I have a busy day today, but was hoping to possibly catch a moonlight paddle if people were doing it. Don't see anything here yet though. Would love to practice, but today might be tight.


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