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Never mind paddle floats...


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...of far more import is the technique of extended paddle when manipulating your paddle. The BCU, in their wisdom, do not really endorse this technique, which was heartily embraced by His (late) Highness Derek Hutchinson. He was, of course, correct: it makes for far greater leverage and gives better control when "slicing" and "cutting" (as well as bracing and sculling or even rolling)

However, in this context, let me explain: when you are tackling the snow that has built up on the roof of your car, there is only one instrument that works properly and efficaciously -- and that is a Werner white-water paddle! Carbonfibre is too valuable a tool to risk and fibreglass gives just the right flexibility when you are trying to lift a good-sized chunk of whiteness!

There must have been four feet of snow atop my car two days ago -- it had drifted up to roughly ten feet, at a guess, against the side of the house -- and the only thing to do the job was my Werner! (Not Maas, either -- although he could probably have done the job for me, without the need of a paddle!)

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I would like to add that a broken wooden greenland paddle is awesome to dislodge the crud that builds up between the wheel and the internal fender.

That is my extended paddle winter technique


...of far more import is the technique of extended paddle when manipulating your paddle. The BCU, in their wisdom, do not really endorse this technique, which was heartily embraced by His (late) Highness Derek Hutchinson. He was, of course, correct: it makes for far greater leverage and gives better control when "slicing" and "cutting" (as well as bracing and sculling or even rolling)

However, in this context, let me explain: when you are tackling the snow that has built up on the roof of your car, there is only one instrument that works properly and efficaciously -- and that is a Werner white-water paddle! Carbonfibre is too valuable a tool to risk and fibreglass gives just the right flexibility when you are trying to lift a good-sized chunk of whiteness!

There must have been four feet of snow atop my car two days ago -- it had drifted up to roughly ten feet, at a guess, against the side of the house -- and the only thing to do the job was my Werner! (Not Maas, either -- although he could probably have done the job for me, without the need of a paddle!)

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