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How to sign up for a trip that is on the calendar


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If you are new to the club and are unfamiliar with how we do things, take some time to review all the great information on our website.

Please understand the different TRIP LEVELS so that you can determine that the trip is right for you:


Understand HOW to sign up:


Include ALL the Standard RSVP Information

The simplest way to RSVP is to write out the following information and save it for future trips. Then, when you need to email a trip leader, all you have to do is copy and paste. It is most helpful if all of this information is included in the first email you send to the trip leader.

If an RSVP is required for the trip, email the following information to the specified Trip Leader.

1) Your Name;

2) Your ACA/NSPN member # and expiration date. If you have not yet received your ACA/NSPN card, forward a copy of the email acknowledging receipt of your application. If you are participating as a guest, state that you will be bringing the two waiver forms will be paying the required ACA fee specified on the waiver form.

3) a description of your boat (color, length, make);

4) an emergency contact for the day of the trip (name and phone#);

5) a way for the Trip Leader to contact you in the 36 hours before the trip (email and telephone)

6) if the Trip Leader does not already know you, include your "paddling resume", i.e., a brief description of your paddling experience. This can include recent NSPN trips you have been on, members or Leaders you regularly paddle with, classes taken, practice sessions attended, assessments completed, etc. It need not be more than a few sentences

Know WHERE to launch from:


Know what to bring:http://www.nspn.org/play-what-to-bring.html

Understand the RISKS:


And then SHOW UP ON TIME!! Note what time the launch time is - understand that every trip will have a beach briefing that will begin about 15 minutes earlier than the launch. Allow yourself plenty of time to get ready so that the rest of the group isn't waiting for you.

Please save the trip leader time and multiple e-mails when RSVP'ing for a trip. DON'T send the first e-mail saying "is there room" WITHOUT including all the RSVP info.



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