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Oscar’s an entry in this years Blackburn Challenge (7/19/14)


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Oscar Chalupsky is one of the most recognizable athletes in surfski racing. He’s a World Surfski Champion – winning the Molokai 12 times, the last time at age 49!

He’s racing a double in Blackburn 2014. The other guy in his ski will be Joe Glickman (a two-time member of the U.S. Marathon Canoe and Kayak Team).

I’ll have a great view of them as they speed ahead of me near the entrance to Ipswich Bay (the surfskis start about 5 minutes behind the kayaks).


Edited by leong
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I too, will have a great view - that's what happens when one volunteers B-)

Oh, Katherine, I almost feel like switching places with you. In the middle of every Blackburn I always wonder why I’m doing it. My training partner, Lisa, explains it this way “[it's] like beating yourself with a 2x4, really feels good when you stop.

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Think they will break the record? It is good motivation when you have the skis walk right past you as you get to the open water.

Hope for a calm day...too rough and I'll be in my Explorer.

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Hi, Paul,

Yes, I have the same problem. I signed up with my Epic 18X but will probably switch to my QCC 700X if it’s very rough.

Re: Oscar and the Joe Glickman (known as the “Glicker”) breaking a record. Here’s some interesting Blackburn Challenge (BBC) history:

Greg Barton raced sea kayaks (Epic Endurance 18 and Epic 18X) in the HPK class (mostly high performance surfskis) in BBC ’03 and BBC ’07, respectively. He won both times: 2:41:44 vs. second place 2:47:40 and 2:32:58 vs. second place 2:32:42, respectively. That’s truly amazing, beating all surfskis using a sea kayak.

But Barton is a sprinter, not a marathon distance paddler like Oscar is; therefore, I think that Oscar will do relatively better than Barton does in the BBC.

The fastest BBC time ever for an HPK surfski is 2:25: 32 (last year). That time was by Dorian Wolter, the winner of the ICF Ocean Racing World Championship in Portugal last year (wow, the BBC attracts a lot of world class talent … we’re in good company, Paul!).

Also, the fastest time ever for an HPK double is 2:30:50 in 2012 (there haven’t been very many BBC entries for HPK double surfskis).

My prediction for this year’s BBC: As long as there isn’t an extremely strong head, I predict that the Glicker/Oscar double surfski will do better than 2:20 this year. And that will be a new record for any kayak/surfski ever, single or double.

Unless there’s a miraculous healing of my shoulder before July 19, I don’t expect to get anywhere near my record of about 3:20 for the BBC loop. Right now, I’m just hoping to finish below 4 hours. Oh, how I wish the BBC committee would introduce age and bad transmission handicapping!

Good luck to both of us as well as all of the other NSPN entrants.


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As of yesterday, I am entered (Wahoo!) Almost didn't because of back problems (which also messed up training), so this time my big goal is to finish the race. But I'm looking forward to it anyway :-)

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