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NSPN Solstice Paddle 3d Pod "Rocks & Surf" option


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Rocks, Surf Zone, Island Hopping and Circumnavigation. All in 8 miles.

Due to the large interest in the L3 level paddle, I have decided to add another option for those that would prefer to paddle to Children's and Tinkers islands while circumnavigating Marblehead Neck.

Given the potentially calm conditions, this could be a good opportunity for those that have kept their distance in the past to get involved in some light rock play. Nobody will be forced to do anything they don't feel comfortable doing.

Helmets will be mandatory if you want to rock play and tow belts should be worn if you own one.

This will be considered an L3 paddle.

Beach briefing at 9:45. Launch at 10:00. We will return via Devereux Beach


Post interest below or just join the pod on the beach.

See you Saturday


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