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Posts posted by Gcosloy

  1. Just finished, Little Ship of Fools by Charles Wilkins. Subtitled: 16 rowers, i improbable boat, 7 tumultuous weeks on the Atlantic. It's not kayaking but it has all of the thrills and fears that paddling on the open ocean can invoke. If you have ever or frequently been outside your comfort zone on the ocean you will enjoy this book.

  2. Saturday, September 3rd. HT is 1:08PM Meet at 11:30 AM Launch at noon. Clockwise around Gerrish/Cutts via Chauncey Creek Rachel Carson marsh out to Brave Boat harbor where we can stop for lunch. Return on ocean side. Winds mild from the East. Put in is Frisbee Wharf off 103 in Kittery. If interested send me a PM with your float plan: Name, email, license plate and car, boat and color, emergency contact and phone number. This will be a CAM trip and it's estimated to be under 10 miles and level 2 or perhaps level 2+. Right now sea state is predicted to be calm. If weather changes I'll update this thread.

  3. Saturday September 3rd. HT is 1:08PM Meet at 11:30 AM Launch at noon. Clockwise around Gerrish/Cutts via Chauncey Creek Rachel Carson marsh out to Brave Boat harbor where we can stop for lunch. Return on ocean side. Winds mild from the East. Put in is Frisbee Wharf off 103 in Kittery. If interested send me a PM with your float plan: Name, email, license plate and car, boat and color, emergency contact and phone number. This will be a CAM trip and it's estimated to be under 10 miles and level 2 or perhaps level 2+. Right now sea state is predicted to be calm. If weather changes I'll update this thread.

  4. Christopher,

    I agree that the body part is most significant and nothing I said contradicts that however you can easily screw up a good roll if your paddle dives or stalls, so angle of attack is important too. I learned to roll by making my hip snap involuntary, I'm not even aware that I do it-I just sweep the paddle either euro or GP and the rest is muscle memory. Because I didn't mention or provide proper homage to the importance of the hip motion doesn't mean that I rely on any but trivial effort on arms and paddle. Love to paddle with you-it's been too long!

  5. I've been paddling with a GP for a couple of seasons now and prefer it over my Euro paddle for a number of reasons which I won't go into now. However an additional and perhaps major benefit of the GP comes with rolling. The GP is extremely forgiving. When I roll with my Euro I need to keep in mind all of the snags that could cause my roll to fail like bad angle, not reducing the angle throuout the sweep, head not kept low, no decent layback and more. With the GP and this must be said; my form is horrible, I come up every time, whether it is the standard extended GP position or even a combat roll when the paddle is held similar to the Euro paddle. I don't need to adjust the angle during the sweep nor worry about where my head is or even attempt a serious layback. One and only one thing needs to be observed and that is the angle of attack which is achieved either extended or combat by cocking both wrists backward. Other than that hardly anything can ruin the roll. I do think the additional buoyancy of the GP has a lot to do with this forgiving character. One more thing: since I broke my back last spring I'm stiffer and less flexible than formally and find it difficult to extend the paddle up and over the water during the initiation of the roll; no problem with the GP, my rolls are just as successful when I'm sweeping somewhere below the surface. 

    I write this not to review my own experience but in the hope that for new paddlers trying to learn the roll, they might make greater progress with a GP.

  6. Rob,

    Excellent summary of the day. I enjoyed our group and congratulate you on a super CAM learning experience. You are a very good coach and I do appreciate your ideas and insights on how to interprete CAM rules with a tincture of common sense and experience. Thank you for organizing this and thanks go to Cathy as well, particularly for her purposeful capsize which went unnoticed by everyone cept you-good lesson there! That 3K tide race was a bit surprising and interestingly not predictable by any of the current tables that I looked at last night. Just another quirk of the notorious Piscataqua.



  7. Sorry to revisit a topic that may have already been put to bed but I can think of one salient benefit that  Meetup  provides that our current NSPN message board does not: email alerts or notifications of pending trips. Not everyone checks the web-site frequently and when they do are sometimes dissapointed that a trip took place that they regrettably missed. This has happened to me several times.  Meetup sends members invites on their email each time a trip is posted. Can our NSPN site do this too? It would be great!

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