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Susan Hargrave

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Everything posted by Susan Hargrave

  1. I am so sorry for those of you who didn't get in last night! We arrived about 3:15, and I was afraid we might not get in. We met Jane, and she was great in helping us try out assisted and self-rescue techniques. As far as alternate spots, I have put in on the Concord River before, but I don't know if the spot has enough parking and I don't know if the river is suitable for practicing rolls and rescues. As a backup plan, I had emailed someone at the AMC Boston Paddlers, because I saw on their web site that they have a practice session on a nearby pond at the same NSP does. Apparently there is a tiny parking lot but people are allowed to park at a nearby school within a 5-minute walk. If NSP wants to use that as a backup plan, it would probably be best to coordinate with the organizers at AMC so that we don't overcrowd their spot.
  2. Thanks for the heads up, Prudence. We are getting our act together and hope to be there before 3:30. Walden was supposed to open at 2pm, and there are no new notices about closures.
  3. Thanks, Bill. We'll plan to be there at 4:00 or earlier and will look for you. I noticed that Walden had closed because of capacity last Monday, but it was just in the morning/early afternoon. I'll keep my fingers crossed for this week and will see you Wednesday. Thanks in advance for your help!
  4. My husband and I would like to attend. We have new boats and have never done self rescue before, so we would really appreciate some help and encouragement! Although I know it's important to learn, I am feeling quite timid about the whole thing. Is anyone else coming?
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