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Posts posted by kurtyang04

  1. 65a70a65c0e73dc696fea74ecc6b3906_b.jpg


    This is a moving story behind this red kayak. It was a donation  from D/D I post here. We used it to promote sea kayaking among young generation. 

    Later we develop a trust/friendship between D/D and me. They even donated more or hundred little things to us. To them, it is used equipment with good memory. For me and new community, it is like treasure. We are more than excited to keep them and show to much bigger community in East Asia. 

    When the owner of this kayak first time saw these photos from us, she cried. And when I told many friends about the story and they were moved. 

    Sea kayaking brought us more enjoy than we can imagine. 




  2. 013b256a4bb6ea75819b5d7d5983b6ed_b.jpg



    I am looking for old copies of Sea Kayaker  or Canoe&Kayak magazine. 

    Since we belong to a 501c(3) charity org,  we can treat it as donation.  

    I usually organized events for local Asian outdoor friends. In last four year,  I shift some of my focus from local to some east Asian countries, like China, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong. As a volunteer, I brought lots American kayaking culture to these areas, especially China Mainland. I made lots friends there and gradually I became one of very few person to promote sea kayaking and kayak safety education which already saved dozen people lives, as friends told me and respect me much. 

    Kayaking was pretty new things to China or Taiwan ten years ago. These years we have witnessed some fastest growing kayak community in the world.

    ACA has brought some professional training to those countries, but kayaker there need more culture material things to inspire their love for kayaking.

    They like Sea Kayaker and Canoe&Kayak magazine very much. I own lots books but not many magazines. If someone can help us, we'd appreciate it so much. 




  3. I am helping David to sell a few items like this one. If someone have the interest, please let me know: 


    Necky Jive play/surf boat for sale, with a Werner 1-piece Paddle, 191 cm (not sure which model, but looks like a Rio), 2 float bags

    Asking $275 for the package






  4. 2 years ago, I lead one group of friends running the Chitina river(+ a little of Copper river) in AK successfully. It made me feel in love with Alaska. I knew I would come back for sea kayaking next time and many more trips for ocean and rivers over there. Both PWS and Glacier National park have been on my list. We certainly will do both in next several yeas. And this trip report is not just helpful, but also inspired me and my friends. Warren and David, thank you!


    I see in your posting you plan to paddle in Alaska within the next few years. I hope you might consider exploring Prince William Sound. David and I may be arranging with the NSPN Board of Directors to present our PWS experience at a TBA location and a TBA date/time. If the presentation occurs, I hope you will be able to attend.

    Kurt, if all goes as planned I hope to return to PWS next summer and continue exploring. By the time you are ready to travel to Alaska, I should have knowledge that may be helpful to you.

    Hope to see you out on the water soon.


  5. Certainly I want to join this great event.

    As alluded to earlier, we are planning a potluck dinner and presentation so everyone can see the slides up close and get a chance to live this adventure again through Warren and Dave's presentation.

    Due to schedules, it looks like it won't be until September.

    To ensure that we choose a day that works for most, below is a link to a doodle poll to assess availability. I will also post this as an event on the trips forum.


    Please indicated for each day/time offered whether you can make it. Once we have a good number of responses, we'll choose the day that works for the most people.

    Looking forward to this club get-together and hearing their tales from PWS!

  6. Interesting discussion. I remember last August, sea surface temperature along Harding beach was something like 70F. But just half mile east of Harding beach, the surface was very cold, like 55F- 60F. And this area ( Northwest of Monomoy) has shallow water. I guess the ocean current/tide play big role on the water temperature.

    So for safety concern, I always advice my friends to dress for 55-60F water in August.

  7. Hi Rob, Mike, Rick & the other gentleman. I forgot his name. Thank you so much for the help yesterday. All of my friends enjoy learning from you guys very much. I tied to promote sea kayaking among many of my young outdoor friends after some successful whitewater/rafting events in last 7 years. It was quite hard even I am pretty much a beginner too. It would be very sweet with friends like you around.

    See you next time!

  8. Hi Rob,

    It was great meeting you and other folks. Definitely I will be back, maybe once every two weeks. Every time I might be late because I can't leave work until 5:30pm.

    The water temperature was surprisingly much warmer than last Wed when I was there. This weekend I will be back to Chebacco Lake for more rolling training.

    See you next time!

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