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Posts posted by rwolson

  1. Thanks Brian, I saw the WD40 at the hardware store thinking a good choice. Funny, I didn’t see any Teflon spray or I didn’t look hard enough. I'm considering pulling the cable and spraying with Teflon.

    The 3M 5200 threw me. I only found tubes online or at Lowes. A bit expensive considering I might use just a dab and rest of tube sits around. The epoxy sounds like a good way to go provided it sticks to the skeg. However, I don’t need to replace the cable at the moment.

  2. I thought I'd bring up an old thread and relay my findings.

    I just fixed my skeg on a For Cat 5. I washed my boat twice since my last trip into the salt about three weeks ago. My skeg hung up. I sprayed the slide area with WD40 Silicone.

    Last night I found two great articles describing skeg repair on the Force boats and other kayaks. I'll post here in case someone needs the info.

    http://www.kayakacademy.com/pages/tips/Skeg_Repair/Impex_Sea_Kayak_Skeg_Cable_Repair.html - Force specific

    http://www.kayakacademy.com/pages/tips/skeg_cable.html - articles for Impex Force Above link), Valley, Tiderace, Wilderness and others.

    http://impextest.blogspot.com/2008/07/skeg-cable-troubles.html - Impex specific. Looks like a very simple procedure to remove the skeg. I don't know about installing the cable; maybe some "fun".

    I hope the info helps someone,


  3. Definitely more good advice from Brian and Peter.

    My intent, post my experiences in case others decided to perform their own repairs and learn from my stupidity.

    BTW, I wore the respirator when sanding, but since I basically worked outside removed it when mixing the epoxy and applying the FG. Next, time I'll need to practice more caution and wear the respirator. BTW, steer clear of the paper masks because they're hard to breath through and fog your glasses. The real respirators work much better.

  4. Just a quick update.

    I completed the FG reapirs. I found some of the damage I expected didn't exist, but decided to still add FG under the crazed gelcoat. Also, fixed one section which made a creaking sound when pushed. So, the deck's secure, but I may fix the gelcoat this fall.

    I found working with FG and epoxy very easy. However, a couple of cautions. Wear good gloves and a long sleeved shirt. My left forearm broke out in a rash. I had washed some epoxy off my forearms, but still received the rash. I believe I wiped epoxy on my arm when tugging on the sleeve of a gaunlet glove.

    Also, if you do FG in sections over a few days wear new gloves. I encountered some problems with epoxy wetted FG sticking to my gloves and failing to stick to inside of the hull. So, new nitrile gloves each session. I wore two pair; one for contamination and another for cleanup, etc. I'm more cautious after looking at the rash on my arm

    Overall, an easy job. No patching holes, etc.

    Thanks for all of the advice because I learned a lot here. Brian, looked at your photos on WebShots too; thanks for providing all the details on the site.

  5. Brain,

    I'm, assuming your talking about the following product - http://www.westmarine.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10001&storeId=11151&partNumber=9860495&langId=-1 I'll just need to find a smaller quantity if yes. Also, I believe you're talking about the epoxy on the same link?

    Rereading your response I searched for 6z glass cloth finding some at Amamazon - http://www.amazon.com/Fibre-Glass-Evercoat-100912-Fiberglass/dp/B002MJDTM8 which maybe what you recommended.



  6. Nate,

    I placed the flashlight and mirror inside the hatch. Also, I can catch a fingernail on a crack. I suspect the cracks didn't break thruough the FG. The deck around the cracks feels solid when pushing against it, but probably weakening the FG.

    I watched another video on Youtube. I believe I'll add some patches using a few layers for added strength.



  7. Good morning,

    Last Sunday I went to my storage unit to pick up one of my kayaks and go for a niice long paddle on a lake. I planned on doing three laps, but instead found some cracks in the gelcoat. I looked in the hatches, but did not see nay real damage. However, I decided to paddle use my other touring boat to paddle the lake and left after one lap because of the windy conditions.

    Yesterday, I picked up a fiberglass repair kit at West Marine thinking I could just add a layer of glass mat and resin under the cracksecided to shine a bright light and used a mirror to check for cracks going through the fiberglass. Yes, I see them.

    I noticed some of the cracks maybe around six inches long. No idea when the cracks showed up or what caused them. I've never dropped the boat and never over tighten the tiedown straps.

    My question, how do I proceed? Do I laminate the areas using a technique described here? - http://www.seakayakermag.com/2006/Feb06/Gel-Coat01.htm If yes, do you recommend using the same glass glass which came in the kit or different types of mat?

    I suspect the repair may turn into a summer project. I can paddle one of my other boats. I've never done a fiberglass work, but applied mud and tape to walls, removed textured ceilings and skimmed coated them, played with epoxies. I believe working with FG's no more difficult.

    I'm just looking for recommendations before I get myself in too deep and spend way too much money. If I need to drop the boat off at a shop I'll do it, but learning how to work on your boat's part of the joy(s) of boat ownership.



  8. "After watching this and other cowboy re-entries I would suggest you launch/land across the cockpit instead of the back deck. You can swing a leg across and drop into the cockpit without actually sitting up and thus remain lower in the boat. You also get in the cockpit/boat faster this way."

    Great idea becuase I failed my re-entries last year. I'just a bit too wide to drop into my cockpit. I'm loosing some weight now so jus tmaybe I can slide within a lot of difficulty. :yippie:

  9. Just to add my $0.02 worth.

    I replied to Sarah last night and since I paddle a SOT for fishing and a sea kayak I pointed out the various differences. Also, brought up issues related to re-entries in sea kayaks. Finally, like most of you highlighted education, but mentioned stay away from brochues which people never read. I suggested web sites, etc since so many people turn to the web for entertainment, education, etc.

    I'm glad to see so many fired up over the issue and responding to our "elected" officials. Hopefully, our voiced opinions make a difference.

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