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Slide show tomorrow in Essex?


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At the Essex River Race this past Saturday they announced a slide show planned for tomorrow (Thursday the 26th) evening. It sounded interesting but I was busy with other things during the announcement and didn't get any details.

Can anyone provide information on it?



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The slide show is at Waterline Center, 66 Main St.

Essex, MA. at 7:30 PM, 5-26-05, Thurseday. Tickets are $7.00.

If you are coming from Woodmans take the right after Periwinkles Restaurant into ship yard. Go about half way down and the Center is on your left.

The slide show is of Tom Mailhot, 5 time Blackburn winner while kayaking St George Island with seven friends.

For more information you can call the Essex Shipbuilding Museum at 978-768-6441.


Impex Assateague

Emerald Green/White

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So...where was evvabuddy? Kevin and I were the only NSPN'ers there!

Tom went as a guide on a paddling excursion along the eastern coast of South Georgia, the island where Shackleton landed after his ill-fated trip to Antarctica.

He gave a low-key, but fascinating,talk accompanied with some very dramatic slides and a short video.

South Georgia looks like what you'd get if you dropped a section of the Himalayas into the South Atlantic, then added seals and penguins.

Stunning scenery, but I'm content to have Tom go there and bring back the pictures! ;^D


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