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Cockpit outfitting -- Skwoosh pad as seat


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What do folks think of this cockpit outfitting by Don Beale. I'm attracted by the simplicity of look and, presumably, creation. Also, the Skwoosh Pad, which Beale thinks highly of, may independently testable. I'm not sanguine about the prospect of carving a unitary seat and back and then finding it's uncomfortable and needs a lot of reworking, if it's even salvagable.

This is not only for Bethany as she ponders new seating arrangements, but for me in a soon-to-be new boat.


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So what's the new boat? Have you decided?

I like the looks of the back and hip pads but the seat looks like it would be too soft or that once you sit on it, all the "sqwoosh" stuff will move to the sides and your sitz bones will be on the bottom. It's also looks pretty thin and it might have you sitting very low in the boat which may be a good thing depending on what boat you get. But a not so good thing if that puts the cockpit too high on your body and you can't lay back. So the seat may be good for the right boat.

Another thought, when you are edging, the "sqwoosh" stuff would move wouldn't it? I think if all I needed in a boat was 1/2" (looks like the depth of the pad)than I would just throw in a piece of 1/2" minicell.


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>I'm not sanguine about the prospect of carving a unitary

>seat and back and then finding it's uncomfortable and

>needs a lot of reworking, if it's even salvagable.


It's not as scary as it sounds. You can get pretty close to the right fit while making the seat. Then you take some tools with you while you paddle and tweak it during breaks, removing the uncomfortable spots as you find them. We had to make some cuts to Bethany's seat on Saturday which was easy and fast with the saw blade on my Leatherman. I didn't even take off my dry gloves.

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>So what's the new boat? Have you decided?

Yes, I've managed to track down your old Argonaut!

Seriously, it's going to be an Aquanaut, from Tom. I'm taking suggestions for colors until I get the order in. I was thinking white/white with red stripe and coaming. But white/white or quill/quill seems to be one of the "in" schemes these days, and I'm not sure I want to be quite so "in". ;-))) OTOH, maintenance of white is easier. Your thoughts?

Good comments on the Squoosh pad. I've got fairly adequate "natural" padding down there, and have never really needed anything but a stock seat, as long as it has a little molded curve to it. The Squoosh may be too much. But Beale does seem to swear about it.


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On colors... if I was buying new, I would buy white or quill for the ease of repair.

You ought to try Bill Gwynn's seat in his Aquanaut - it's Valley's foam seat and he finds it quite comfortable. If it fits, no need to build, just buy it that way and you're done.


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Hi David,

My Aquanaut was purchased from Tom from his existing inventory. It had a silly plastic seat, which I promptly removed and Tom gave me a Valley foam seat that is quite comfortable. If I was going to order a new boat, I would order it with Valley's NEW and Improved Glass seat. I have Valley's older glass seat in my Avocet and it's very nice. Their newer seat is the same, but just a little longer for better thigh support. I have heard good things about it. If you find you don't like the glass seat, it can always be removed and you can do something custom.

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>Another thought, when you are edging, the "sqwoosh" stuff

>would move wouldn't it?

I once tried using a thermarest inflatable canoe seat. With even a moderate amount of air, enough to keep any cushion, I felt like I was sitting on a beach ball. The movement when I edged resulted in no control. I deflated it to regain control, defeating the notion of gaining cushioning.

It looks like the one in the picture has 2 separate chambers which might work better.

Liz N.

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>I like the looks of the back and hip pads but the seat looks

>like it would be too soft or that once you sit on it, all

>the "sqwoosh" stuff will move to the sides and your sitz

The substance used in the pad doesn't really move at all when you shift while sitting on it. I guess the best way to describe it would be a rubberized gel.

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all this talk and no one actually answered david lewis's question (adequately) about skwoosh seats (or whatever they are called): they were reviewed just a couple of months ago in sea-kayaker magazine, so go and look through the back-copies or archives...i to remember that they very much got the thumbs-up.

gelcoat repairs? what do you intend doing to the upper surfaces, fer cryin' out loud, david? if you're going to bang your boat up, it'll be the hull, right? so go and buy whatever colour your heart desires...and never mind what everyone else thinks. (would i buy another all-yellow boat? probably not: the yellow hull a pain when you gouge and tear it on hard things below the water!)

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>gelcoat repairs? what do you intend doing to the upper

>surfaces, fer cryin' out loud, david?

Ah, good question. I plan to learn the upside-down paddling technique that I see in GP videos (and Turner in person). Then I'm going to get a breathing tube so I can go like that indefinitely. Finally, I'll don my helmet and head (pun intended) into the rocks.

Or, maybe I'll drag my boat up on the beach -- the rockier the better -- upside down, to spread the damage around a bit.

Seriously, that's a good point. But white/white with a dash of color in the stripe seems kinda coooool, dontcha think? And then there's the school of paddling aesthetics that considers brightly colored kayaks to be barely a step above beach balls and foam noodles in visual taste. ;-)))


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