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L2 Solstice Paddle

GJ Carey

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Hi Guys,

I'm initiating a L2 trip on Saturday June 25th for the annual Solstice Paddle leaving from Riverhead beach in Marblehead. This is a L2 trip which means it will be a somewhat protected and low key paddle. Likely we'll explore Marblehead harbor, stop in Doliber's Cove and, weather and adventurous spirits permitting, may stick our noses into some more open water.

This is an ideal paddle if you're new to the ocean, new to the ocean this year, would like a less committed shake down cruise, or simply feel like messing about in boats. In case you're wondering kids and kids at heart are more than welcome.

Beach briefing will be at 10.30AM and we'll be on the water by 11AM. We'll be back by 3PM ish with plenty of time to snag the good spots and best food before the rest of the hoards descend.

This trip will be run under the common adventure model (CAM) guidelines. If you are not familier with this acronym, be at the beach briefing where we'll explain.

Look forward to seeing you.


p.s. June 25th HW 7.12AM, LW 1.10PM (may have a bit of a carry at both ends of the trip!)

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Hi there,

There are two of us who would like to sign up for the L2 paddle. We'll be there for the 10:30 meeting on the beach.

Looking forward to it!


Brenda and Steve

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Hi there,

There are two of us who would like to sign up for the L2 paddle. We'll be there for the 10:30 meeting on the beach.

Looking forward to it!


Brenda and Steve

Hey! Is this "Brenda and Steve"? (the ones I know?)
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Hey! Is this "Brenda and Steve"? (the ones I know?)

That would be us! :) Going to keep an eye on the weather at this point--we both need to get in some work this weekend, so if Saturday is iffy and Sunday is the better day, we'll work Sat and play on Sunday.

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