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P&H Sea Trials Demo & Sale Weekend May 28th-29th

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Osprey Sea Kayak Presents…

P&H Sea Trials Demo & Sale Weekend, May 28th & 29th, 2011

Join Brain Day from P&H/Pyranha, and Carl Ladd and the Osprey Team for a weekend of paddling fun, skill building classes, and a chance to test paddle amazing boats in real sea conditions.

Schedule of Events

Kayak & Paddleboard Demo-

Saturday 28th, 9am to 12pm @ Gooseberry Island, Westport MA

Test paddle the latest kayaks & paddleboards from P&H, Venture, Feel Free, Surftech & Bic. A demo is an excellent way to discover which kayak or paddleboard will work best for you. Our expert staff and technical assistance will help you narrow your choices, but paddling the kayaks and paddleboards will help you decide. For virtually every watercraft we sell, we have at least one in demo. We bring our whole fleet of boats and boards, so there's many for you to test drive. This is absolutely the best way to buy. OSKA will provide all paddling equipment. You need to wear appropriate clothing & footwear that can get wet.

Costs and Registration: The kayak & paddleboard demo from 9am to 12pm is free with a canned or non perishable food donation or $5.00 per participant (food donations will benefit the Westport Food Bank & Council on Aging).

Saturday Classes

Capsize Recovery & Re- entry - Saturday 28th, 1pm – 3pm @ Goosebery Island

Every beginning kayaker's biggest fear is an unexpected capsize. In reality, capsizing is usually nothing more than a minor inconvenience for those who have learned a few simple techniques. For those who haven't learned them, capsizing can be a disaster. By the end of this class you'll be comfortable getting in and out of your kayak in deep water. You will be in and out of the water on this class so request a wetsuit when you register if you don't have your own. Cost: $25

Long Boat Surf Session – Saturday 28th, 1pm – 4pm @ Goosebery Neck

This class is an introduction to surfing waves in sea kayaks. We will focus on wave selection, position & timing to get you catching & riding waves. On the wave you will learn to how to control your direction and deal with broaching & side surfing. This class is for students that know how to brace and have a roll or can self rescue by swimming their boat in through the surf after capsizing. Cost: $40

Stand Up Paddle Basics – Saturday 28th, 1pm – 3pm@ Goosebery Neck

SUP is a fun way to explore our waterways, improve your balance and get a fantastic core body workout. Anyone can Stand-Up Paddle! Our specialty is teaching people with no surfing or paddling experience at all. The only prerequisite is that you are comfortable in the water, and want to try something new! On our two hour intro session we will cover all the basics; getting familiar with equipment, water entry and balance, proper stance and positioning on the board, efficient paddling technique, and safety and etiquette. See for yourself why SUP is the fastest growing sport on the planet! Cost: $25

Sundays Classes

Sea Kayaking 101 - Foundation Skills – Sunday 29th, 10am – 2pm @ Head of Westport

This class is a must for beginning kayakers, as well as more seasoned kayakers who've never had any formal instruction. Also perfect for those who had a class once "a few years ago". You'll learn and refine the foundation skills essential to controlling your kayak, preventing injury, and having fun. Skills include moving forward, backward and sideways efficiently, balance and staying upright, turning and steering. Cost: $30

Bumpy Water Boat Control- Sunday 29th, 9am – 3pm, meet @ Head of Westport

Wind, waves, and current can present big challenges to any kayaker. What strokes will keep your boat from broaching while paddling in a following sea? What combination of strokes will allow you to maintain your heading and not get blown down wind while paddling across it? How do you turn efficiently in wind and waves? We will answer these questions and more while we paddle & play in the dynamic conditions along coastal Westport & Buzzards Bay. This class is for people who already know how to maneuver their boats in calm conditions and can perform deep water assisted re-entries. Cost: $75

Stand Up Paddle Basics – Sunday 29th, 9am – 11am, @ Head of Westport

SUP is a fun way to explore our waterways, improve your balance and get a fantastic core body workout. Anyone can Stand-Up Paddle! Our specialty is teaching people with no surfing or paddling experience at all. The only prerequisite is that you are comfortable in the water, and want to try something new! On our two hour intro session we will cover all the basics; getting familiar with equipment, water entry and balance, proper stance and positioning on the board, efficient paddling technique, and safety and etiquette. See for yourself why SUP is the fastest growing sport on the planet! Cost: $25.00

Situational Awareness & Risk Management

Sunday 29th, 9am – 3pm, meet @ Head of Westport

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. When we play in dynamic environments like rock gardens and surf we expose ourselves to a myriad of risks. In this student centered workshop we will examine our decision making processes through a series of real paddling scenarios. Our goals are to identify potential risks and adapt to avoid incidents and manage the scene if the need should arise. This is a great workshop for coastal paddlers and trip leaders. Participants should have ACA level 3 skills. Cost: $75

Sea Trials Workshops range from $25 to $75. Workshop space is limited so we encourage you to pre-register. Some demo models are in high demand so we will swap kayaks during courses to ensure each paddler that is interested has an opportunity to test the different models. To pre-register please call Osprey @ 508-636-0300 or email ospreyseakayak@gmail.com .

Wetsuits & spraywear are available for workshop participants – please request them when registering if you do not have your own.

Demo Day Sale

We have this Demo Day Sale just once a year so this is the time to buy and save. Every kayak and paddleboard in stock will be on sale. There will also be loads of kayak accessories and on sale. Save on paddles, wetsuits, paddling jackets, booties, PFD's and more. Remember this is a demo weekend sale only and we will not be able to honor these discounts after the weekend ends.

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