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Casco Bay


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Though I didn't quite join you folks for the Jewell trip it was nice to meet folks at the Cousins Island launch site.

Thought I might give a bit of an account of how things were up a few miles from your destination.

Only able to do one overnight Fri the 13th, I needed to practice my navigation in an area that was new to me and a bit of a shake down overnight camping routine.

I remember at least one person was hoping to see some migratory species, this is what I mostly "stumbled" across.....

One of the biggest surprises to me was seeing wild turkeys strutting their stuff out on Moshier Island (my 1st point of reference. Somehow I just never thought of them flying across the seas to various islands. I don't know why but I got a kick out of it.

There was a scattering of Eider ducks through out the trip, but they were the most vocal I had ever heard them... full of conversation amongst themselves.

Past French Island heading over by Lower Goose I heard a familiar sound though it took a minute or so realize... it was a raft of about 20-25 Loons.

Guess they haven't quite dispersed for the fresh water season yet and later saw one still in winter plumage.

Friday was a beautiful day. I shared my camping Island with a pair of Osprey, they at one end myself at the other as designated. Perhaps they had not read the guide book because they would come to the north end and hunt in their hovering way.

Though I didn't see them make a catch I did watch as one carried something to it's hidden nest. Something long trailing from it's foot, perhaps some branch greenery for this years nest.

Paddling near what I think is called Irony island I heard some noise to my right and realized there were seals hauled out on the rocks and making their way to the water with a splash. Knowing it was because of me I promptly moved out of the area. Though it was an accidental meeting I have heard various theories why they are shy of us or our boats. Taking a quick look they seemed to be big guys so I speculated they might have been grey seals...the Loup de Marin...if I was up north.

I was fading fast by early afternoon (page 37 in this years MITA guidebook would give simplified idea as to why).

Still thinking I would be participating at the Marblehead training, I thought I would try out my loaner dry suit

I waded into the water for a quick half dunk. I get wet almost instantly...it is not the suit...sure enough I left the zip open about a quarter inch...foolish guy.

I spend the rest of the day drying the suit and napping on the shore.... I would set my alarm to wake up every so often to pull the boat to higher ground.

Friday was a most beautiful day with a beautiful sunset on a charming island. I can hardly imagine what this same location might be like in a few weeks....I love the "off" season!

think I'll write a little about sat morning a bit later...curious how you all made out.

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Return from the Jewell:

It rained overnight but when I woke up around 6am the rain has stopped. Having my young son first time paddling his own kayak to Jewell and my wife first time on an overnight kayaking trip I was anxious to head out while the sky was clear to minimize the amount of cold rain exposure. We packed up, loaded our kayaks and headed out soon. The exposed side of Cliff was bumpy. I was amazed that my son Dagen did not display any sign of uneasiness. I was more nervous just watching him close to the cliffs and I tried to get him away from the cliffs enough so that if there was a freak wave he would be in harms way. Barry and Chris were calm and patient and looked out for breaking waves at the point of the Cliff. We paddled nicely out and past Cliff towards Hope island. Surroundings were foggy and mysterious - very beautiful. We rounded southern point of Chebeague and headed towards the sandbar that connects Chebeague and Little Chebeague. Dagen surfed a few small waves on the way to the sandbar.

After a short break at Little Chebeague we headed towards Clapboard Island. At this point we got the rain treatment. It rained pretty much until we reached Falmouth Foreside.

This trip was a great example of staying on the optimistic side of weather forecast. The forecast was for rain all weekend but optimistic research revealed that it might not be rainy everywhere. :-) Even though it was unseasonably cold, we got lucky for clear skies during most of this drip.

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One of the biggest surprises to me was seeing wild turkeys strutting their stuff..... Somehow I just never thought of them flying across the seas to various islands.

Suprised this little fella and rest of family at a designated MITA camp on _____ (Muscongus) two summers ago:



Edited by jason
Remove ref to MITA Private island
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The Jewell trip was wonderful. We had: sun, wind, clouds, fog, drizzle and pouring rain over the three day period. We had: swells (not too big), chop (not too much), and beautiful glassy water where it was hard to tell the difference between water and sky. We had: a Saturday trip over to Eagle Island, where the paths were closed to us because of nesting birds, but the picnic tables were open and no one was there to charge us money to eat lunch. We ate well, drank...well, slept well enough, and explored the island. As advertised, a really nice L3 trip and shakedown for future kayak camping.

One thing it DIDN'T do was give me great confidence in the accuracy of long range weather forecasting!

Many,many thanks to Gary for initiating and doing a great job of herding cats when cats needed herding! And for those mussels (thanks also to Mary's more strenuous efforts in the harvesting department).


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<...the cliffs...so that if there was a freak wave he would be in harms way...>

If that's really what you think of your son and heir, I'm sorry for him! ;^)

Did you, perhaps, mean "<not> be in harm's way"? I suspect so...

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Of course I did but it was too late to edit the post.


<...the cliffs...so that if there was a freak wave he would be in harms way...>

If that's really what you think of your son and heir, I'm sorry for him! ;^)

Did you, perhaps, mean "<not> be in harm's way"? I suspect so...

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