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Crap wrap + Poo Powder + poop pipe combo?


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I've used Wagg Bags and find them OK for one use--personal squeamishness says I won't be using them for more than one "drop" per bag (experimentation at home told me this!).

But at one use per bag and about $3 each, Wagg Bags are awfully expensive for trips longer than a few days. Also, because the bags are designed to be used with portable toilet seats (which I don't use), they are MUCH bigger than necessary for just containing the waste.

I know that suz has posted about the so-called burrito wrap method. I would like to know if anybody has combined several elements as follows:

1. Pour some Poo Powder (the gelling agent, available in bulk) onto a sheet of newspaper on the ground. Do your business on that powder.

2. Wrap it all up tightly and place the bundle into an airtight plastic bag.

3. Then store the full bags in a waterproof, punctureproof container for transportation. I have a home-made BLM-spec PVC "poop pipe" that would serve well for this, IF the bags are not gigantic like the Wagg Bags.

The poop pipe is not big enough to accommodate, say, 10 days of Wagg Bags, but it might fit 10 days of smaller bundles. Has anybody tried this combination?

I'm planning some camping trips for this year where pack-it-out is either required (e.g., Lake Powell) or probably should be. There may be no disposal sites until returning to the launch place.

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A couple thoughts.

Use ziploc freezer bags. They work great and cost much less.

Find out where your local garbage is disposed of. If its burned you can feel comfortable putting the bags in the trash when you get home.

For long trips we use a (1 Qt) "Lok-n-Lok" box and kitty litter, dumping the mess into a porta-potty when you get to one. No newspaper or poo powder needed, much less objectionable to porta-potty operators. Make sure the "Lok-n-Lok" fits neatly into a hatch for transport, i.e. don't buy one that is too large to do so.

We've never used a "shittuby".

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I do the newspaper/burrito thing, all enclosed in a ziplock bag. I dont bother with powders, wag bags etc. I then put that in a welding rod tube, and stuff that in the rear hatch, way up on one side of the skeg box.

Some just put in a drybag without a rigid tube, with no problems,but the thought of a squishy drybag full of... that, inside a compartment with a all my other stuff turns my mood ring black.

A rigid tube may or may not be needed. May be irrational, but like much of life , it more comes down to how you feel about it.

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My preference is for the burrito wrap in paper (best paper for that is the paper purchased for moving wrap paper. They call it blank newspaper.) I then put that in a zip lock and add to the zip lock and then put into a dry bag rather than a rigid tube just because you can fit them into the boat a bit better.

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I do the newspaper/burrito thing, all enclosed in a ziplock bag. I dont bother with powders, wag bags etc. I then put that in a welding rod tube, and stuff that in the rear hatch, way up on one side of the skeg box.

Some just put in a drybag without a rigid tube, with no problems,but the thought of a squishy drybag full of... that, inside a compartment with a all my other stuff turns my mood ring black.

A rigid tube may or may not be needed. May be irrational, but like much of life , it more comes down to how you feel about it.

I second the welding tube--buy it at Home Depot-not expensive-clips easily and securely on the back deck lines if you don't want it next to any of your stuff in the hatches--my preference--the tube also holds the odor down-or you can store it near the skeg box as Peter suggests--

Have used with this system--burrito newspaper--local newspaper works better than national newspapers for some reason--wrap each burrito in a zip lock bag (freezer type)--put in shittubby welding rod tube -- deck or inside hatches--all set for multi-day trips--


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The thing about disposing a used wag bag in a landfill is that you shouldn't really dispose of untreated human waste that way. I think the poo powder is responsible for treating the waste so you can dispose of it in a landfill. The ziplocs obviously are not going to decompose in a landfill, good point. As for your question, Beverly burns (and generates electricity).

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The thing about disposing a used wag bag in a landfill is that you shouldn't really dispose of untreated human waste that way. I think the poo powder is responsible for treating the waste so you can dispose of it in a landfill. The ziplocs obviously are not going to decompose in a landfill, good point. As for your question, Beverly burns (and generates electricity).

The Poo Powder not only absorbs moisture but renders the poop acceptable for disposal as regular trash. That's why I would like to add it to the newspaper-wrap method. The hard poop pipe is only to prevent puncturing or popping the full plastic bags; it should also reduce odor since the pipe is leakproof. Since I got a new boat fairly recently, I'll need to modify my packing scheme and see where there's room to take the poop pipe. I doubt it will be a problem. The pipe might fit crossways next to the front bulkhead, in front of my feet (I'm back to using footpegs). I'd duct-tape it to the floor to keep it from rolling around.

So far, nobody has stated that they use Poo Powder with the "burrito." But it shouldn't pose a problem, and if it does I'l be sure to warn others! Meanwhile, I have maybe 10 Wagg Bags that I'd better use first. The Poo Powder website says it has a shelf life of 3 to 5 years, and I bought the Waggs in 2007, thinking they would be good for much longer than that. Can always add new Poo Powder if necessary.

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I've used Wagg Bags.........

Newspaper, deposit, (winnie the) poo powder, burrito fold, 1 qt freezer bag, expel air, place into 1 or 1.5 qt seal-lock food container to which you have added a few moth balls.

At home with latex gloves, invert the plastic freezer bag into toilet, flush (once/bag), rinse freezer bag in weak bleach solution, trash.

Box gets stored next to skeg box. No problems expressed by my fellow paddlers, as I am typically the slowest paddler.

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Newspaper, deposit, (winnie the) poo powder, burrito fold, 1 qt freezer bag, expel air, place into 1 or 1.5 qt seal-lock food container to which you have added a few moth balls.

At home with latex gloves, invert the plastic freezer bag into toilet, flush (once/bag), rinse freezer bag in weak bleach solution, trash.

Box gets stored next to skeg box. No problems expressed by my fellow paddlers, as I am typically the slowest paddler.

Hmmm, if there's a strong tailwind...

There shall be no complaints uttered about smells, because the other paddler (my husband) and I will each tote our own poop pipes. Takes care of THAT issue!

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A few more tips for the burrito wrap method:

1. Never pee on the newspaper (that's what the ground is for); wet newsprint falls apart. And one layer is enough for poo, really.

2. Mineral oil-based newsprint can leave a black ring in the toilet bowl; use newspapers with soy-based ink instead. Mineral-based newsprint is the kind that comes off on your hands when you read it (think NYT).

3. A fully loaded burrito is likely to clog the toilet, which will unnecessarily discourage you from using this very practical method. The key is to launch the burrito from the zip lock bag into the bowl and let it soak for 10-20 minutes. Newsprint disintegrates (the more folds the longer it takes) and flushes easily. Breaking up the package with a stick, coat hanger, etc. will speed the disintegration and ensure a smooth flush.

Best part about the crap wrap method? It's extremely low tech. It's cheap. You don't have to think about procuring it: you probably have the pieces in your house now. If you forget, you can buy the stuff in any grocery or convenience store on the way to the put in. It is hands down the smallest package to carry (I stick extra sets into my daypack and my car). I've used it about as often at put ins as on the actual trip. It's the smallest package to carry full (size increases only as used). Can be disposed anywhere there is a toilet.


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<Best part about the crap wrap method?>

Oh, thank you, Scott! What a relief (deliberate choice of word, obviously) that someone at last is not writing euphemistically (I'm sorry: I do not recognize half the words chosen above for what comes out of our bodies every day! Why the squeamishness?)

"Perplexed" is my signature of the day!

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You should not throw plastic bags into a porta potty as they don't break down and will clog the pump out. Most North Shore towns send their trash to Resco in Saugus where it is burned and produces electricity, therefore, you can deposit Wag Bags, plastic bags, etc., in the trash.

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