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Paddlesmart: Make this year the year

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Last year the NY and Ma. Coast Guard conducted nearly 100 unnecessary person-in-the water searches after receiving reports of kayaks, gear or pfds afloat in the water. The searches are costly and time-consuming and divert resources from what might otherwise be real emergencies.

The CG's making a direct appeal this year to kayakers asking that we place Paddlesmart stickers in our boats and on our gear.

That way, if our boat or gear goes adrift while we're on land, or if we lose gear overboard, all the person who finds our stuff has to do is relay our contact number to the CG.

I spent half a day at the CG base on the Cape last April, and several hours aloft in a helicopter with a rescue crew. Watching these guys work from the open door of a cargo bay in an aircraft that shudders, whines, emits fuel fumes that hurt the eyes and throat, and that are cramped and uncomfortable...let's give these guys a break. Let's not them have them out there looking for us when we're safely at home.

CG's direct request to kayakers:

http://www.piersystem.com/go/doc/802/97 ... witterfeed

CG's audio video PSA:


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Thanks for posting a great reminder: this helps all of us.

I think the top link was truncated. Try this one: http://www.piersystem.com/go/doc/802/978195/

Maybe the club could get hold of a stack of stickers: less hassle for the CG and for NSPN members.

Actually, simply writing your name and a contact number (e.g. cell phone) with permanent marker accomplishes the same purpose...and increases the chance that lost equipment will be returned to you. I use a label machine for small items like radios.


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I got a dogtag for my boat, meaning a tag actually made for a dog. The plastic ones are pretty much indestructible. I got the kind that is made to be threaded onto the collar and just ran the webbing for my seat backband through it, but of course it would be simple enough to glue it in. If you use a permanent marker, note that they are not all light fast - a garden marker like this might be best. But I guess a sticker is the only way for a black paddle (?)

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