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Pavilionp Beach Ipswich


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OK, A bit of a light weight report here...

I wanted to mention that with the full moon the tides are running high and floods more into the estuaries giving access to places only occasionally reached.

Realizing that today's paddle might be the best of weather for several days my wife and I headed to "the back side of Plum Island Refuge", which is kind of a generic way of saying Plum Island Sound.

Wow, the weather turned out Great !!

The marshes are just starting to turn a soft golden color.

I read last week 3,000 Broad Wing Hawks had been counted passing over Pawtuckaway, which got me to thinking now was the time to visit the estuaries and great marshes unique to this area.

Today was brought to you by Great White Egrets..not that we saw hundreds, but 20 or so in the course our time on the water. They make a beautiful sight with a golden background to highlight them.

I love riding the tide into estuaries..you can say "well I was paddling at 5.5 miles an hr and didn't even break a sweat" course the water is doing all the work, but hey details details. (I think it was Farley Mowat "who said I never let details stand in the way of a good story" or something like that.

We were able to paddle almost all the way to Nelson Island and had a picnic on a tiny dot of land. Soaking up the sun. Enjoying the sight and sounds of being somewhat in the middle of nowhere. Guess looking up Holy Island and Roger Island will send folks searching their charts but it nice stuff back there.

(Extra nice with no bird hunting as yet. I don't know when the season is but it's always a bit of a downer for us when the season starts)

Well that's about it we did 10 miles, poked around a bit .

I think it's the picnik table cloth that makes it an official picnick.

I suppose for the "advanced" part I would have to tell about this guy who wore a nice wet suit short with an underneath garment for a rash guard and the wife who wore long pants to the launch and realized they were much to warm and how they resolved the issue....

now, now it was far more innocent than that... it is a family web site folks... it was resolved before the launch...

It's a great time of year. Happy paddling !

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I suppose for the "advanced" part I would have to tell about this guy who wore a nice wet suit short with an underneath garment for a rash guard and the wife who wore long pants to the launch and realized they were much to warm and how they resolved the issue....

A bit of roll practice? :D

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Well.... more of a debriefing I would say ;-)

Thinking of making them mandatory but afraid restraining orders would soon follow.

Ahh... young lady you look terribly uncomfortable in those long pants


mister what is it you do have under those shorts your wearing....

(better stop now before being cited for humor without a permit....)

on the other hand we did learn the technique at a Gerrish Island NSPN paddling trip... so it must be legit... :huh:

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