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Monday's the pick of the early week as temps will be more moderate; however, winds are again forecast at 15kn WSW, with 2-3' chop.

I'm tentatively posting an L3++ (L4 CAM) trip out of Tuck's Point (Manchester; RSVP or search for careful parking, off-loading and put-in protocol).

Arrival 11AM, briefing 11:20, launch 11:30 Monday.

Agenda to be determined by participants; requirements include a skeg/rudder and strength to paddle against 15+kn winds, as well handle 2+ft (L4) chop (i.e., a repeat of last Thursday's paddle conditions).



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I can't make it today but would like to get out there later in the week (i.e. Wed - Fri). I'll keep an eye on the forecast and post if a particular day is looking good. Would be interested in going to Bakers since I'm leading an AMC trip there soon and haven't been in awhile.


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