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Essex Bay Area Sunday


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Planning on a paddle out of either Pavillion Beach, Ipswich or Conomo Point, Essex on Sunday. Still watching the weather before I commit to where and when. Tentatively thinking of a 10-11AM start. Currently, thunder storms are predicted but that could be nothing at all. Will post definite trip plans or alternate posting late Saturday afternoon. If anyone has any interest or suggestions, feel free to respond. (L2 or L3)


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Planning on a paddle out of either Pavillion Beach, Ipswich or Conomo Point, Essex on Sunday. Still watching the weather before I commit to where and when. Tentatively thinking of a 10-11AM start. Currently, thunder storms are predicted but that could be nothing at all. Will post definite trip plans or alternate posting late Saturday afternoon. If anyone has any interest or suggestions, feel free to respond. (L2 or L3)


Have been looking forward to an opportunity to get out into this area, definitely interested

Will keep watch for further updates

the other Doug

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