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Pavilion / Fox Creek / Essex Bay & around Castle Neck


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Seven of us headed out for a nice paddle today. We were pretty successful the first half of the trip using the wind to our advantage but after our break on the ocean side of Castle Neck, the last 4 miles felt like 8 with 20+ mph winds in our face.

Thanks for all that made this a memorable paddle.

The only down side or me was my waterproof camera finally died. Oh no! Out of 52 shots I salvaged only 9.

I'm glad I had my "Leica" camera stashed away. I pulled it out during the lunch break as we were treated to quite a spectacle.




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Nice variations on the buoy theme!

Looks like Bob is in a new boat! Nice. :-)

We paddled Casco Bay today and the paddle back was interesting too.

Seven of us headed out for a nice paddle today. We were pretty successful the first half of the trip using the wind to our advantage but after our break on the ocean side of Castle Neck, the last 4 miles felt like 8 with 20+ mph winds in our face.

Thanks for all that made this a memorable paddle.

The only down side or me was my waterproof camera finally died. Oh no! Out of 52 shots I salvaged only 9.

I'm glad I had my "Leica" camera stashed away. I pulled it out during the lunch break as we were treated to quite a spectacle.



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Seven of us headed out for a nice paddle today. We were pretty successful the first half of the trip using the wind to our advantage but after our break on the ocean side of Castle Neck, the last 4 miles felt like 8 with 20+ mph winds in our face.

Thanks for all that made this a memorable paddle.

The only down side or me was my waterproof camera finally died. Oh no! Out of 52 shots I salvaged only 9.

I'm glad I had my "Leica" camera stashed away. I pulled it out during the lunch break as we were treated to quite a spectacle.



Sorry to hear about your camera Doug. Number 12 is beautiful (perfect composition) could I get a full size image ?

Fantastic day, but that was a slog back. The screen shot here from Garmin Mapsource tells the story in numbers. The ~ 4 miles from our lunch stop took 2 hrs 20mins at an average speed of 2 mph (mph not knots!). At the beach my windmeter showed readings of sustained 15 kts wind, with a peak of 22 kts. I was tracking walkers on the beach and they easily outpaced us.

In any case the pain in the shoulders is being replaced by memories of white sand, clear skies and green blue sea.



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Seven of us headed out for a nice paddle today. We were pretty successful the first half of the trip using the wind to our advantage but after our break on the ocean side of Castle Neck, the last 4 miles felt like 8 with 20+ mph winds in our face.

Thanks for all that made this a memorable paddle.

The only down side or me was my waterproof camera finally died. Oh no! Out of 52 shots I salvaged only 9.

I'm glad I had my "Leica" camera stashed away. I pulled it out during the lunch break as we were treated to quite a spectacle.



Thanks for the pictures Doug. Sorry to hear about the camera. I had read about the buoy in the paper. Must have been quite a sight seeing that come ashore in the storm. Overall great trip. I had never been down Fox creek before. The ocean conditions were manageable with 1-2 foot chop, which was lucky since we had the wind to contend with. Great workout!

Rene, Yes! new boat that I bought this winter from JonD. Impex Assateague. I'm still adjusting things such as foaming out the bulkhead but it is working out very well. Keeping the Seaward Aurora for a while for guests and if I ever manage a camping trip. By the way, great pictures on your posting. I like the B&W effect.


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Nice pix but bummer about your camera! Was it water incursion that caused the failure? I've yet to get a waterproof camera though it's on my list for this year. Seems I keep hearing these failure stories...

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Nice pix but bummer about your camera! Was it water incursion that caused the failure? I've yet to get a waterproof camera though it's on my list for this year. Seems I keep hearing these failure stories...

Well, the pics are a tease, but I'm glad I didn't have to make the paddle back with you. In my yard in town it didn't seem too windy, except for some occasional gusts. Too bad about your camera-- love the bouy shots.

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Anybody know where this can drifted from?

It appears to be missing its 4 clappers-what happened?

What are the structural differences between "gong" and "bell"?

It was a Green "1" and given where it washed up was probably the one marking the entrance between crane and coffins.


One of the clappers was still intact (I think just about everyone in our group took a turn at ringing it!).


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Gong is a brass frisbee hanging vertically. :D

Still wondering what happened to the clappers? Why would USGC permit a functioning buoy to be "missing" 3 of 4 clappers?

From web:


It’s a criminal offense to cause any damage or hindrance to the proper operation of any aid.

Do not alter, deface, move or destroy any aid to navigation. Report all intentional or unintentional collisions with navigation aids to the U.S. Coast Guard.

Coast Guard Info-line 1-800-368-5647

Office of Aids to Navigation - (202) 267-0980 - www.navcen.uscg.mil

Office of Boating Safety - (202) 267-1060 - www.uscgboating.org

And what powers the flashing green? Don't see a solar array. ?battery stowed in cylindrical compartment(s)?

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Still wondering what happened to the clappers? Why would USGC permit a functioning buoy to be "missing" 3 of 4 clappers?

From web:


It’s a criminal offense to cause any damage or hindrance to the proper operation of any aid.

Do not alter, deface, move or destroy any aid to navigation. Report all intentional or unintentional collisions with navigation aids to the U.S. Coast Guard.

Coast Guard Info-line 1-800-368-5647

Office of Aids to Navigation - (202) 267-0980 - www.navcen.uscg.mil

Office of Boating Safety - (202) 267-1060 - www.uscgboating.org

And what powers the flashing green? Don't see a solar array. ?battery stowed in cylindrical compartment(s)?

Yes. The cover to the cylindrical compartment seen in pic #14 was marked 'Battery'. It did not appear disturbed, so may still be inside.

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Nice pix but bummer about your camera! Was it water incursion that caused the failure? I've yet to get a waterproof camera though it's on my list for this year. Seems I keep hearing these failure stories...

Not really sure what happened. I'm sure any structural failure was my fault. I have beat on this camera for 2 seasons. It was rarely washed throughly the past year other than the lens and retractable lens cover. There is literaly salt build-up in all crevaces. Protective lens frame dissapeared a month ago after "crazy glueing" it back on 3 or 4 times. (They changed that design flaw on the new model) Note: Many waterproof cameras do not have lens covers. Big advantage in my opinion. Olympus makes a nice product. Will have a Olympus 8010 by next Sunday's paddle thanks to the sale of a couple helmets over the weekend and of course Uncle Sam.

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Not really sure what happened. I'm sure any structural failure was my fault. I have beat on this camera for 2 seasons. It was rarely washed throughly the past year other than the lens and retractable lens cover. There is literaly salt build-up in all crevaces. Protective lens frame dissapeared a month ago after "crazy glueing" it back on 3 or 4 times. (They changed that design flaw on the new model) Note: Many waterproof cameras do not have lens covers. Big advantage in my opinion. Olympus makes a nice product. Will have a Olympus 8010 by next Sunday's paddle thanks to the sale of a couple helmets over the weekend and of course Uncle Sam.

Next Sunday too.........??

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Whilst you guys were on the water up north (relatively, from my position), I was on the Annisquam at the high school, practising strokes, rolling, etc and enjoying the sunshine. The f/c wind by NOAA was 270/10-15, G20; but I reckoned it more like 285-300/15-20, G25, which is more akin to what one of you apparently measured on the beach?

You took your Leica on the water with you, Doug? Then you are a braver man than I! I wouldn't risk mine -- even in a waterproof bag (which doubtless you had?) :o

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