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Pavilon, Coffins Beach, Choate Island Fox Creek etc


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Excellent day to be out paddling. Happy Spring!

Launched at dead low tide from Pavillion Beach just about 9:30 and headed down Cranes beach. Nice and picturesqe with folks riding horses along the beach and in the water.

I was hot to travel further than before and cross over beyound Essex bay. Conditions were excellent and though I passed a couple of folks checking out some small surf i wanted to continue on down to the Annisquam for the 1st time. As it turned out I took a short break at Coffins Beach a little beyond a couple of mini Castle type houses or one big one Then a bit further to approx a place called Farm Point. I know there's a launch down there somehere but I saved that for another day . Looped back and with the flooding tide rode it into Essex Bay, past the mighty high point of Twopenny Loaf.. love that name...

Took my lunch break at Choate Island... almost named this the "Pavilon Paradox Paddle" because there under the usual sign "Welcome to Crane Wildlife Reserve" was another sign which read something like DANGER LYME DISEASE.

The paradox being... for two years now I've fought with Lyme Disease and this was my best and strongest paddle day in months and where do I wind up landing but..a place knee deep in Lyme.. metaphoricly speaking....Yikes !!

rest of the paddle very nice and I want to try linking this to a SPOT webpage for the route so here's hoping that it works ok...if not a thousand pardons.


ok, that works pretty good it actually has another paddle on it also. Either way it's a live map that people should be able to fiddle with. (i don't know why it always connects the different days activities.

Still this link will only show the paddle for about a week so it's still not quite the link I want.

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