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A day of mellow rock play 11/1/09

Phil Allen

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Gene called, and we answered. Gene, Barry, Bob (Salem), Bob (Budd), Blaine, Kevin and I enjoyed the trip from Tucks Pt to Kettle and back. Poking along the shore we found enough excitement for a forecasted calm day. Some of the pics I took are here:


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Nice photos, Phil.

I was escorted away from West Beach by a rather chatty loon on my way to House Island.

There was quite a bit of seaweed piled (knee to waist high bands) on the beach, I don't know if that's common or due to recent activity.

About time for the dry suit, though the water I rolled in was warmer than the water I found swimming in Walden Pond some ten days ago.

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Gene called, and we answered. Gene, Barry, Bob (Salem), Bob (Budd), Blaine, Kevin and I enjoyed the trip from Tucks Pt to Kettle and back. Poking along the shore we found enough excitement for a forecasted calm day. Some of the pics I took are here:


Thanks Phil!

I was having a blast playing behind that rock as the waves converged around it and then shortly after you had moved on one came in at least twice the size of the pictured one and I had to paddle like hell to get over it. And like a fool I had just swapped out my helmet as it was giving me a serious head ache.


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I believe that only people with FaceBook accounts will be able to see those. That is one of the things that keeps me posting pictures to Picasa.


The setting is that all should be able to see them. Let me know if you can't. I can get to them from that link even when not logged it.


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The setting is that all should be able to see them. Let me know if you can't. I can get to them from that link even when not logged it.

I was able to enjoy them without any problem. However, I thought that I had figured out that even when albums are marked as public, a person needed to have a FB account to see them. Sounds like I am wrong.



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