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Bumping around Salem Sound 9/27

Kevin B (RPS Coach)

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Seven (Leon, Phil, Lorri, Glen, Mike, Bob and myself) of us left Tuck Point at around 11:15 headed for the Dry Breakers. Warm and calm when we left, there was an expectation that we would find a little ocean energy near Coney Ledge. Sure enough, there was just enough bump there to make things interesting. Surfing through a break in the rocks and punching through other places against some small breakers, everyone seemed to be getting into the action. Marblehead Mike, his first time out on an NSPN trip, showed all of us that wooden boats can take a bit of a beating as he bounced his boat of some rocks while surfing. ( Just a scratch on the boat and not on Mike ;) ) Towards the end of our time, as Lorri was punching out through a gap, all us heard a faint "uh oh", which we all inherently knew meant a boat was going to be going over. Sure enough, Lorri takes a wave on the front quarter, leading to a bit of an elevator ride and eventual capsize. Lorri's response afterwards "At least I know how it feels to capsize in the rocks!" :)

From Coney we headed towards Eagle and on to Gooseberry for lunch. On such a beautiful day, we had an unobstructed 360 degree view of the entire area, with a skyline dominated by sailboat races and a few random kayakers. After lunch and looking for more bump, we headed out to the Dry Breakers. Wonderful 3-4 with occasional 5 footers wrapping around the breakers made for a few good surf runs on the inside and a washing machine on the outside. We did manage to see one harbor seal checking us out on the inside and a grey seal on the outside. Once again, everyone was getting into the action which was great to see. Bob found a chance to try his first combat role as he was tossed by a breaker...congrats Bob! :cheer:

Our thirst for bump partially quenched, we headed towards the outside of Children's for a little more rock play and then straight on to Doliber cove, following the shore whilst playing in the rocks along the way back towards Tuck. As always, a great day of paddling with great people. Salem Sound never seems to disappoint;)

Estimated map of route (about 10nm):


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Thanks for the quick rescue, Kevin & Bob! It was a tad disconcerting to attempt to roll up and have my paddle hit rock. Aside from that no blood, no bruises, not even any lost gelcoat on my boat so it was all good.

Bob, it was a pleasure to hear Phil yell, "Swimmer," turn around to see the bottom of your hull facing up and watch you pop right back up!

Great day and welcome to Mike, a trooper, who confessed he "didn't know he was going to be paddling with the Navy Seals" when he signed on for the trip. :D

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Thanks for the quick rescue, Kevin & Bob! It was a tad disconcerting to attempt to roll up and have my paddle hit rock. Aside from that no blood, no bruises, not even any lost gelcoat on my boat so it was all good.

Bob, it was a pleasure to hear Phil yell, "Swimmer," turn around to see the bottom of your hull facing up and watch you pop right back up!

Great day and welcome to Mike, a trooper, who confessed he "didn't know he was going to be paddling with the Navy Seals" when he signed on for the trip. :D

Great trip everyone. Absolutely perfect weather and enough energy on the surface for adventures all around. We even had a seal show up, probably curious about what these suicidal creatures were doing out on the Gooseberry breakers!

Mike, welcome and beautiful job on that cedar strip kayak. As you mentioned, having built it from scratch, you are uniquely qualified to repair it after one of our trips!

Thanks to Kevin for calling it, and Glen, Lorrie, Phil, Mike, and Leon for participating.


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