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Learning to Roll - Looking for visuals!


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Got dizzy and an ear infection working on an roll techniques yesterday, figuring the goal through Fall and this winters is to perfect it in my mind and in the pool! I have heard of visual aids (tapes or DVD's) floating around that are useful. One suggestion I believe is called " First Roll?

Any suggestions and anyone willing to let me copy/borrow a tape/DVD if they have one?


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There are several good videos on the market. I haven't seen the one you mention. My favorite is "The Kayak Roll" which teaches the Sweep Roll, a roll which works well for just about all kayakers in just about all boats. An older video "Grace Under Pressure" is very good too teaches the C to C roll which can be difficult for some boats and some body types. For a visual representation of each of these rolls see


In my experience videos and books are big help but most folks need actual hands on instruction with someone who is experienced spotting you. NSPN winter pool sessions are perfect for this. There are plenty of folks there ready to spot and help you learn to roll.

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Jay Babina's "First Roll" video is an excellent visual tool. It is available from Newfound Wodworks


Ear plugs may help the vertigo from cold water in the ears. Also a tight-fitting neoprene hood.

You might want to consider signing up for the Walden Pond practice session with Cheri Perry on October 24, and come to the pool demo on Oct 23...Great visuals and hands-on assistance. The basic sweep roll that is taught as a first Greenland roll is also the roll that Jay Babina teaches in the video, with a Euro-style paddle.


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I personally found a diver's face mask to help a lot when learning to roll (Jed suggested it to me). It keeps the water out of your nose (plugs and clips do not work very well for me), improves visibility, and generally cuts the feeling of chaos.

No, it will not become a crutch, after you get the roll down. Your well-trained muscles wills still do their thing even though there is no mask on your face. Also, getting salt water in your nose is not anywhere near as irritating as fresh water. Hey, doctors call it saline solution, and it's healing, as Isak Dinesen via Joan so gracefully reminds us.


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I have a VHS copy of "The Kayak Roll" by Kent Ford that I will let you borrow. E-mail me at cathyfoley@aol.com and I'll make arrangements for you to get it.

The DVD version is better, as you can freeze frames and super slow mo, better than most VCRs.

Nigel Foster's DVD's also have a very good segment on learning to roll. Vol. 6 "Rolling and Bracing"

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