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Note to self


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Labor Day weekend in Gloucester: Schooner Festival.

Saturday evening: Sunset, moonrise, fireworks.

Between those last two: Parade of Lights. This consists of dozens of boats, from the very little to the biggest whale watch and party boats on Cape Ann, getting all decorated up, streaming up the Annisquam, through the cut, into Gloucester harbor, and making two loops around the harbor while being viewed from shore and the water (by anyone who has something that floats.)

I knew about the parade of lights. Actually did a trip a few years ago with Dee and Bob to watch it. Forgot all about it this year.

So, on the way back from Dogbar by the glorious full moon with my one paddling companion (happened to be her first night paddle and our first time out together) when we got to the channel side of Ten Pound Island I started watching boat traffic to see when we could cross. HAH! That was not a happening thing!

Maybe it is my aging brain cells but it took a remarkably long time for it to click that this was the parade of lights. Realizing we could not safely cross the channel, we opted to hug the right shore, the whole way around - Smith Cove, Cripple Cove, the Inner Harbor if need be - and thereby never have to cross a channel. All that turned out to not be necessary as the parade of lights, being a parade and not a permanent fixture, came to a close and we crossed from the mooring area off the tip of state pier over to the coast guard station without incident.

Our timing on getting off the water was perfect. The fireworks started as we finished packing up gear so we joined the throngs to enjoy them.

It was a glorious night. "Interesting" first night paddle for my new friend. Safety prevailed due to caution being employed. Liz

P.S. Someone remind me to post this as a trip next year. It is really worth doing.

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