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Woods Hole Saturday August 15


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There has been some interest in a Woods Hole trip on Saturday August 15. I'm suggesting a noon start at the Woods Hole aquarium boat ramp because (1) we will have all afternoon to play around with the flood current and (2) people won't have to get up too early to get there. The disadvantage is that traffic to the Cape can be pretty rough on Saturday mornings.

The velocity of the current looks a bit below average for that day, so it shouldn't be too intimidating. Also, an advantage to Woods Hole for paddling in the current is you can dip your toe into it without committing to getting yourself into trouble if you don't have much current experience.

Post here if you are interested.

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I just sent a PM to the interested parties with the details.

Katharinec, I couldn't sent the PM to you for some reason, so the abbreviated details are: we'll meet at noon at the boat ramp by the Woods Hole Aquarium and come up with a consensus there and then.

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Great. Thanks. You can email me at katharine@local26.org with more info or I'll just see you at the Aquarium at noon tomorrow.


I just sent a PM to the interested parties with the details.

Katharinec, I couldn't sent the PM to you for some reason, so the abbreviated details are: we'll meet at noon at the boat ramp by the Woods Hole Aquarium and come up with a consensus there and then.

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Can anyone suggest a good spot for lunch in Woods Hole? Any want to join Ty and I for a quick lunch before putting in?


I'm always fond of Shuckers (where one of my high school coaches used to be the bartender). The Captain Kid is also good (where a different one of my high school coaches use to tend bar). Both of them are on Water Street, almost next door to one another. I probably won't be able to join you there for lunch, but was going to suggest a post-paddle stop by there on the way out of town.

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