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Essex Bay, what a fun place!

Rob Hazard

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We had 10 paddlers on the water today. Liz, Suwin, Judy W, Florrie, Julie Huang, Doug A, Bob Cornell, Dana, David McD, and meself.

The launch was a bit muddy, being just a couple hours after low tide, but we paddled down to the the mouth of Essex Bay for a break and a bit of play in the standing waves kicked up by the current.

Then we were off for a circumnav of Hog Island, which all the charts insist on calling Choate Island, for some unknown reason. At the north end we stopped for a spot of rescue practice before cruising back to Conomo for another session of rolling practice.

OK, so nothing spectacular, just another great breezy, sunny day on Essex Bay with friends.

BTW: The dreaded Greenheads were few and far between. I think I nailed 5 at most the whole day. Don't let Greenheadophobia keep you off the water!

Thanks to all who showed up!



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Then we were off for a circumnav of Hog Island, which all the charts insist on calling Choate Island, for some unknown reason.



Glad you all had a great time on a beautiful, dry day.

As for Hog being called Choate: Choate is actually the proper and preferred name as the Choate family originally lived in the First Period house on the island. As we all know, it now belongs to The Trustees of Reservations (TTOR); Mr. Crane and his wife Mine' are buried at the top, where it is clear cut. This was done so they would always have a view of Castle Hill and beyond, even in death.

Deb M


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Then we were off for a circumnav of Hog Island, which all the charts insist on calling Choate Island, for some unknown reason.



Glad you all had a great time on a beautiful, dry day.

As for Hog being called Choate: Choate is actually the proper and preferred name as the Choate family originally lived in the First Period house on the island. As we all know, it now belongs to The Trustees of Reservations (TTOR); Mr. Crane and his wife Mine' are buried at the top, where it is clear cut. This was done so they would always have a view of Castle Hill and beyond, even in death.

Deb M


Great local history I didn't know. Thanks Deb.

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This was done so they would always have a view of Castle Hill and beyond, even in death.

Thanks Deb. I for one will be eternally grateful to them for having the wisdom and foresight for donating such an amazing parcel of land. It's too bad TTOR does not have or allow a boat launch somewhere on the backside of Cranes.


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Thanks for the compliments.

Here's a link off TTOR's website.www.thetrustees.org/pages/295_crane_wildlife_refuge.cfm

I admit I'm partial to TTOR having worked there in one of my lives. One thing though I'd like corrected is that Crane Beach appears on some charts as: Crane Beach State Park, which may lead people to think it's part of MDCR (Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation) and not owned by a non-profit environmental organization.

As for there being no boat landing/launching area on the back of Crane -- I'm presuming you mean by the TTOR boat house -- the primary reason, or so I was led to believe when I asked about it, is simply a well-justified fear of over-use by power boats launching etc. I'm sure there's an environmental reason, also. While I'm sure any one of us would love to be able to drive down Argilla Road and launch our boats from here, the end result would probably have a potentially serious impact on the area.

Deb M :surfcool::roll:

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Hi Deb,

Didnt mean to imply a criticism of TTOR; I have been a supporter and member for over 10 years. They do have a facility opposite Choate Island; what would be nice would be parking for about 10 cars and access to the ramp. I'd be quite comfortable with a restriction to members and hand powered boats :D


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