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Chebacco Lake Sessions

Rob Hazard

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The NSPN practice sessions on Chebacco Lake on Cape Ann will begin on Thursday, June 4th, and continue every Thursday afternoon until the end of September.

We have no official leader, but the group usually includes a mix of skill levels from novices to experienced open-sea kayakers.

This a great opportunity to meet other local paddlers and work on your skills.

We meet about 5 PM and usually paddle until sundown. The sessions are totally free-form, with no set agenda. We do anything from rescue and rolling practice to Frisbee games on the water. A lot of us have learned to roll here. If you are new to paddling and would like to get familiar with your boat, this is a great place to do it.

In addition to your boat and paddle you will need a PFD, spray skirt, and paddle float. We also recommend a drysuit or wetsuit until the water warms up around the end of June. Most of us continue to wear at least a shortie wetsuit all season, as we tend to spend a lotof time in the water!

To get there, take Rt 128 to Exit 16 (Pine St) in Manchester. Follow the road North toward Essex (it's unpaved) for about 2 miles until you see the public launch ramp on your right.

Hope to see you there!

Rob Hazard

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here we go again, Chebacco Lake!

Thursdays at 5 PM.

Remember: Boat, paddle, PFD, sprayskirt, drysuit or wetsuit.

See you there!


Explorer - quill

Romany - orange/white

Chebaco Lake sessions rule!

Chebacco lake sessions have run for years, and its a great atmosphere .

As an indicator:

there's a fellow who passed his BCU 3*award down in Georgia . Not aware that he had done many official trainings, I asked him where he acquired the skill to make the grade , and he said "right here at Chebacco Lake"

its good atmosphere, good kharma, good parking and the porto potty there is the cleanest I've ever seen.

Keep an eye out for the patriarch of Chebacco Lake , Rick Crangle.

Remember, NSPN has some of the best paddlers you will meet anywhere, and some of them will be at Chebacco lake. New paddlers are especially welcome and cultivated. A session at Chebacco is alone worth the membership fee.

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cool! now that i work in salem i will finally be able to make some of these sessions - this week is ladie's night so that wins out over chebacco but next week i will try to make it! :)

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has anyone tried those clip on bug repellant thingys? I've just started seeing them advertised recently...

I'm thinking Chebacco Lake at dusk while you're trying to strap your boat back on the car would be the perfect opportunity to test 'em out! ;) those suckers can be viscous!!!

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Last evening's session, the first of the season, was a success. We had 7 boats on the water, including 2 new members just getting familiar with their boats. I got my new-used Romany wet for the first time, and I now have a new favorite boat!

The water is already warm enough for wetsuits! YAY! I wore my farmer john and paddling jacket and was perfectly comfy through rescue practice and one ceremonial roll.

AND I am now ready to declare the official PPPO (post-paddle pig-out, to you newbies) will be at Downriver Ice-cream, on Rt 133 at the Ipswich-Essex line. Home-made and GOOD!

See you on the water!


Explorer - quill

Romany - orange/white

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