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This weekend


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This is a non commercial, not selling anything , your tax dollars at work message!

This weekend is the Lowell Folk Festival at Lowell National Historical Park. It is free (you may have to pay to park) on Friday Saturday and Sunday, it does go into Friday and Saturday evening for those that want to paddle.

For more information please go to the web site for the park and click on the Lowell Folk Festival.


I will not be there on Saturday, I will be representing the park on a Merrimack River Watershed Council paddle on the river, it is a tough job, but someone has to do it.

Join us on a very low key paddle then go to the festival for music and FOOD.

Check out the Merrimack River Watershed Council web site www.merrimack.org.

On the August 2 there is a Plum Island paddle I will be on that one also.


Lowell National Historical Park

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